Key Words

  • Period: 1 CE to 4

    ‘Bookshops,’ in whatever form, were generally ancillary to private channels for the production and reproduction of literary texts

    Alan Mugridge. Copying Early Christian Texts : A Study of Scribal Practice. Mohr Siebeck GmbH & Co. KG, 2016. EBSCOhost,,shib&db=nlebk&AN=2343992&site=eds-live&scope=site.
  • 4

    Chrysostom exhorted his hearers to buy at least parts of the NT to read at home

    Alan Mugridge. Copying Early Christian Texts : A Study of Scribal Practice. Mohr Siebeck GmbH & Co. KG, 2016. EBSCOhost,,shib&db=nlebk&AN=2343992&site=eds-live&scope=site.
  • Period: 260 to 270

    In Oxyrhynchus, more than two-thirds of the adult males were illiterate in Greek

    Alan Mugridge. Copying Early Christian Texts : A Study of Scribal Practice. Mohr Siebeck GmbH & Co. KG, 2016. EBSCOhost,,shib&db=nlebk&AN=2343992&site=eds-live&scope=site.
  • Period: 1100 to

    Illuminated Manuscript

    Considered to be the first books
  • 1400

    Illuminated Manuscript: Charles VI of France

    Illuminated Manuscript: Charles VI of France
  • 1450

    Johannes Gutenberg: Invented Gutenberg Press

    Johannes Gutenberg: Invented Gutenberg Press
    Represents the beginning of modern publishing
  • 1456

    Gutenberg Bible

    Gutenberg Bible
    First mass-produced book in Europe
  • 1476

    Canterbury Tales Published

    Canterbury Tales Published
    An early example of publishing
  • 1500

    Development of Arabic Font

  • Period: 1559 to

    Index Librorum Prohibitorum

    Books banned by the Catholic Church. Abolished by Pope VI
  • Typesetting in the Arabic font begins to be fully developed using Movable Type

  • C. Bertelsmann Verlag Founded by Carl Bertelsmann

  • Higginbotham's Opens in India

    Higginbotham's Opens in India
  • First WH Smith Shop Opens in Euston station London

    First WH Smith Shop Opens in Euston station London
  • Moby Dick by Herman Melville Published

    Moby Dick by Herman Melville Published
  • The Bookseller First Published

    The Bookseller First Published
  • First Barnes and Noble Opens in Wheaton, Illinois

  • Angus and Robertson Opens

  • Gibert Jeune Bookstore opens

  • Foyles Opens

  • Barnes and Nobles Opens a Retail Store in New York

  • C. Bertelsmann begins publishing Fiction

  • Audio Books First Produced

  • Nazi's Book Burning

    Nazi's Book Burning
    "Every burned book or house enlightens the world; every suppressed or expunged word reverberates through the earth from side to side." Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Allen Lane: Founded Penguin Books

  • British Talking Books Service Launch

    with Agatha Christie's The Murder of Roger Ackroyd
  • Penguin Paperbacks first appearance

    Penguin Paperbacks first appearance
  • The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery Published

  • C. Bertelsmann becomes top publisher (book production and unit sales)

  • EBSCO Established

  • Random House in Canada

  • C. Bertelsmann First shut down

  • C. Bertelsmann Re-Established

  • Pocket Books, Dell, Avon and Harlequin begin

    Pocket Books, Dell, Avon and Harlequin begin
  • Guinness World Records First Published

  • Audio Books Produced for Larger, Commercial Market

  • C. Bertelsmann begins development on international publishing

  • Franklin Electronic Publishers Launches first Hand-held reader

  • Random House in UK

  • Copyright, Designs and Patents Act

  • UK Net Book Agreement Ends

  • Amazon Founded

  • Random House acquires Chatto, Virago, Bodley Head and Johnathan Cape, and Century Hutchinson

  • Random House acquires the trad division of Reed Books

  • SoftBook

  • Bertelsmann Purchases Random House

    Imprints included Doubleday, Bantam Books, Knopf, Vintage, Ballantine, and Transworld
  • Rocket e-Book

    Rocket e-Book
  • Microsoft Reader

    Later Phased out 2012
  • Period: to

    Traditional Publishing Output in UK: 63,807 - 151,969

  • US Launch of Kindle

  • US Sales of Audio Books est $190 Mil

    Audio Publishers Association
  • Internationally, over 20 publishers have a billion US dollar turnover

  • "What is the demand for and insistence on quality editing"

    Woll, T. Publishing for Profit
  • "This transformation has been shrouded in something like the fog of war...from the global IT revolution whose outcome...[cannot be] predict[ed], and whose influence touched every aspect of the printed word"

    Robert McCrum, the Guardian
  • Random House changes to 'agency model' in pricing e-books

    Last major publishing house to do so
  • "Publishers have been very focused on how to replicate the book in digital form...But is that the right format?"

    Jonathan Williams BoxFiction
  • "We strove to replicat the look and feel of the magazine...[however] we decided we would use these iPad extras sparingly...Word is still king"

    Pamela Maffei McCarthy, deputy director of The New Yorker
  • Borders closes

  • "The modes of classification that were stabilized by printing-house convention paved the way for the encyclopedic mentality of the Enlightenment."

    Jonathan Bate, "The first great age of the book"
  • C. Bertelsmann closes last two retail stores