key themes

  • Face For Radio

    Face For Radio
    Foster William Hewitt was a hockey broadcaster He worked briefly as a sportswriter for the Toronto Daily Star before switching to the new radio desk. On 22 Mar 1923, using an upright telephone, he made one of the first radio broadcasts of a HOCKEY game a Senior League match between Toronto Parkdale and Kitchener He was a TV commentator for 15 years and many people remember him in connection with Hockey Night in Canada.
  • you can help smash that line

    you can help smash that line
    Notre Dame
    all stars vs N.Y. Giants polo grounds
    benefit N.Y. unemployed

    25 cent fee i chose this football game because it occurred during the great depression
    this game will help unemployed and the neede by donating some of the profits to make new factories or shelters
  • All That Jazz

    All That Jazz
    the reason i chose this event was because During the height of the Great Depression, jazz was considered a little avaunt grade, a little dangerous and was flourishing in Montreal. Myron Sutton was an alto sax player who came to Montreal during the 1930s to be part of the thriving jazz music scene. Myron traveled to Montreal to be at the center of the action
  • Basketball In The 1940s

    Basketball In The 1940s
    Basketball was one of the sports not effected by the war, because of their tall height, it made them ineligible for the military services. Two big organizations of basketball were established in the 1940s, the Basketball Association of America (BAA), established in 1946, and the National Basketball League (NBL), established in 1949, that went on to make the National Basketball Association (NBA). Not only men played this sport though. Women played basketball as well.
  • Hockey During The 1940s

    Hockey During The 1940s
    Hockey continued to be a great social connector, breaking through boundaries and differences, as civilian and military, whether at home or abroad, played and watched the game.many young Canadians with promising talents interrupted their promising careers to serve overseas. Yet, hockey remained central, and in the dark days of the winter of 1942-1943, when an Allied Victory was far from certain.
  • The Army show

    The Army show
    The Army Show. At first a musical revue produced during World War II for the Canadian army produced in Montreal by Rai Purdy and known generally as the Canadian Army Radio Show.. It was broadcast weekly by the CBC from 13 Dec 1942 until 5 Sep 1943. Among the cast were the comedians Johnny Wayne and Frank Shuster. The Army Show opened 2 Apr 1943 at the Victoria Theatre in Toronto and was an outstanding success