When people had the technology to develop goods and new technology at a fast rate. OR even advanced technology to a breaking point. -
Americans or the populace of the country. Were all headed to the cities major cities such as New York. Where all kinds of new technology was being made in the 1800s. -
Political Machines
People of high power in the chain of power or Government. Would bribe lower class citizens into voting or other illegal activities for their own benefit. At the cost of paying them a variety amount of money. -
11 Susan B. Anthony
Susan B. Anthony her work helping pave the way of the nineteenth amendment -
36 Monroe Doctrine
Manifest Destiny
People had headed west for better lives. By this time thousands of settlers moved to the west for land,riches, and new lives. -
Eugene V. Debbs
In 1901 Debs founded alongside others the Socialist Party Of America. Which took part in many Presidential elections monitoring them for no corruption. This party was dissolved years later. -
Jane Addams
In 1907 Jane Addams created the book called “Newer Ideals Of Peace” The book gave a better view of Social Justice. It helped Adams work after work. -
Homestead Act
The government was promising people land. The land they were giving away was up to 160 acres for an entire family. This encouraged people to settle in the west. -
The Gilded Age
The prime time in the United States. Where most people had wealth and everything was becoming brand new technologies were being made left and right liquor was being sold at the right prices. And more importantly gold was almost an abundant resource then. -
Upton Sinclair
1906 Upton wrote a novel called “The Jungle”. Which explained about everything that goes on inside of the meat packing industry. Showing the harsh conditions they had to go through. -
Haymarket Riot
Also known as the Haymarket massacre. In which a good number of people died from an explosion right in the middle of a bustling street. Causing mass panic leading to a huge amount of people fleeing causing the riot. -
Dawes Act
The unites states government's attempt in assimilating the population of native americans into their own culture. This act was partially successful for a short time. -
1 Andrew Carnegie
In 1889 Andrew owned his brand new company or “Carnegie Steel Corporation” later on the corporation became the largest of its kind. Extending to all over the united states and even becoming the most prominent source for steel. -
Populism & Progressivism
Two classes of citizens were angry. The farmers for Populism and the Middle Class for Progressivism. Both of which were angry at the unfair government policies. -
16th Amendments
In 1894 this Amendment was added after the Pollock case. During the case it was being debated whether or not it should be changed. -
Klondike Gold Rush
When gold was discovered in Yukon Canada. People from around the regions headed north for their chance at taking the gold. Up to 100,000 thousand had gone up north. -
William Jennings Bryan
1896 Captured the Democratic convention by giving a “Gold” speech on free silver. Which later in return earned him the right to be one of the presidential nominees. But lost later down the road. -
Dollar Dipomacy
When the unites states started to partner up with other countries. But the reason for partnering up was because so they could make money and take a portion of their resources. -
Initiative, Referendum, Recall
People from all over the world came to the U.S. . For new lives and new lands lots came, lots did not make their dreams a reality. But the new immigrants made a new life with religious freedom and getting new jobs. But were neglected by society and people took advantage of the immigrants for low paying jobs. -
Indian Removal
Was the policy of taken out the natives from the lands. And pushing them back to new lands called reservations. Were they would give up on their culture and form new ways of life. -
Pure Food and Drug Act
This act was passed to asses the factories. That were making food for the public but to also check if any of the food they made was healthy for the population. Thus creating the FDA afterwards. -
Journalists who would go and seek corruption or horrible living conditions of the people. And expose them to the public for all to see and ignite a change in the way people should not live. -
Theodore Roosevelt
In 1906 Theodore Roosevelt passed two acts. The Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act. Which made sure no harmful chemicals or other things were in the foods that americans bought. -
Clarence Darrow
1912 Darrow defended took on a case that almost ruined him. By defending two union officials accused of murder in the dynamiting of the Los Angeles times building. During the trial he was under attack of bribing the Jury. Which caused him to be devastated for being accused of bribing. -
Ida B. Wells
1913 Ida had created an association known as the Alpha Suffrage Club. Which like the others sought to get rights for women during that time in the states. -
17th Amendments
This Amendment gave out the action. For people to freely vote In the United States. And sought that all elections stand fair. -
Federal Reserve Act
Established in December 1913. it is the act that created the federal reserve system, the central banking system of the united states. Allowing smaller banks to still work on. -
16 Federal Reserve Act
Established in December 1913. it is the act that created the federal reserve system, the central banking system of the united states. Allowing smaller banks to still work on. -
18th Amendments
This amendment prevented the use of any alcohol. In the cities or anywhere in the united states. This was not effective as the citizens would sell on their own account illegally. -
19th Amendments
The right that made a big difference in the country. This right gave all women in the States the right to vote. In any of the presidential elections and any other types of elections. -
14 Tea Pot Dome Scandal
18 Social Gospel
29 Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
30 Robber Barons (Captains of Industry)
37 Yellow Journalism
38 Bessemer Process