Manifest Destiny
Manifest Destiny was the expansion wesward. -
Protecting native-born habits, but immigrants -
The U.S. population incresed. Immigrants came to America to find new lives. -
Populism and Progressivism
Late 19th to early 20th century. Progressivism was leaning more on uplifting the country by means of socio-economic and political reforms while populism was more anti-capitalistic that favored agrarianism while opposing drastic modernization. -
The idea was to create a maternal commonwealth. Upper-middle-class women of the late 19th century were not content with the cult of domesticity of the early 1800s. -
Susan B. Anthony
Campaigned for the abolition of slavery, the right for women to own their own property -
Third Party Politics
Third parties face many obstacles in the United States. In all states, the Democratic and Republican candidates automatically get on the ballot, whereas third-party candidates usually have to get thousands of signatures on petitions just to be listed on the ballot. -
Indian Removal Act
The attempt to move indians to federal territory. -
Andrew Carnegie
Owner of a successful steel company. -
Eugene V. Debbs
An American Union leader. -
Teddy Roosevelt
Served as the 26th president. -
William Jennings Bryan
Leading American politician. -
Jane Addams
She was a womens right activist. -
Homestead Act
An act that allowed people to claim up to 160 acres of land for $10. If they stayed for 5 years the title was theirs -
Ida B. Wells
Leader in the Civil Rights movement -
Political michines
Political groups that gained power. Most used their power for currupt reasons. -
Social Gospel
The movement that strove to improve urban conditions through charity and justice. 1870 to 1920 -
Urbanization and Industrialization
Urbanization was the making of cities. Industrialization is the change from being an agricultural and pastoral society to a more industry based society. From 1870 to 1900 -
Exposer of corruption. There was a lot of corruption in political machines. -
Upton Sinclair
The Pure Food and Drug Act. -
Civil Service Reform
Refers to movements for the improvement of the civil service in methods of appointment, rules of conduct. -
Haymarket Riot
The aftermath of a bombing that took place at the labor demonstration. -
The Gilded Age
The growth of industry and a wave of immigrants marked this period in American history. The production of iron and steel rose dramatically and western resources like lumber, gold, and silver increased the demand for improved transportation. Railroad development boomed as trains moved goods from the resource-rich West to the East. -
The Dawes Act
An attempt to assimilate the Native Americans into American culture by giving them land to ranch, farm, and live on. -
Klondike Gold Rush
100,000 people migrated to Klondike to find gold like the California gold rush -
Pure Food and Drug Act
Federal inspection of meat product. Susan B. Anthony was apart of this act. -
Dollar Diplomacy
To create stability and order abroad that would best promote American commercial interests. -
Federal Reserve Act
Establish a form of economic stability through the introduction of the Central Bank, which would be in charge of monetary policy, into the United States. -
16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th Amendments
Taxes, voting, acoholic beverages are prohibited, women can vote without being denied. -
Tea Pot Dome Scandal