Publication of Princlpla
Sir Isaac Newton discovers the three laws of motion and shares it with the world. He published a book called Philosophae Naturalis Principia. It is known as the most important scientific books ever written. -
First Exposition of Rocket Mechanics
British mathmatician William Moore publishes Treatise on the Motion of Rockets. All of the information in the book is based off of Newtons three laws of motion. -
First Liquid-Fueled Rocket Launched
U.S. Rocket scientist Robert H. Goddard created it. It only reached about 41 feet, 60 miles and hour and lasted only about 2 1/2 seconds but it was known as a big milestone in space exploration. -
First Subortial Flight
Germany launched the first man-made object to make it into space. -
First Animal On The Moon
In 1947, fruit flies were sent to the moon to see how they would survive space travel. They launched in New Mexico. -
First Artificial Satellite
It was launced by Soviet Union -
NASA is Born
NASA is officially founded. -
First Impact on Moon
Russian satelitte Luna 1 officially hit the surface of the moon -
First Man in Space
A russian man by the name of Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin was the first human to ever be in space. The flight lasted about an hour and 48 minutes. -
First American To Be In Space
The first American astronaut was launched into space. His name was Alan Shepard Jr. -
First Space Shuttle Launch
STS-1 was launched into space from Columbia. It was used as a test flight to try the spacecraft systems. -
Voyager 2 Arives At Saturn
Voyager 2 goes to Saturn and takes the first pictures of the planets -
Mars Pathfinder Lands on Mars
They used a rover to put on mars to take higher quality pictures of the planet. -
First Detailed Study of an Asteroid
They sent the NEAR (Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous) spacecraft into space to study the gravity of an asteroid and its surface. -
First Spacecraft to Orbit a Comit
After a ten year, 4 billion mile journey,the Rosetta spacecraft orbited around the comet. It took magnificent images of the comets surface.