Key Moments in Canada's Evolution

  • Confederation

    This was the day the federal domain of Canada was put in effect. The three first provinces that joined were Nova Scotia, New Brunswick Quebec and Ontario. This was also the day Sir John A. MacDonald was named Canada's first prime minister.
  • House of Common and Senate

    House of Common and Senate
    The House of Commons is made up of representatives. The more representatives a party has, the power the party has. The people elect the representatives. The House of Senate is appointed by the Prime Minister.
  • Britains Model

    Britains Model
    Canada followed Britains model of government (democracy). We had a leader John A. MacDonald and we had representatives who represented each province.
  • Central and Provinicial Government

    Central and Provinicial Government
    The central government holds the most power. They make the general laws for the country. The provinicial governments makes the decisions in their province. This includes schools, taxes, etc.
  • Fifth Province

    Fifth Province
    Manitoba becomes Canada's new province. Manitoba proposed it would construct a transcontinental railway with in two years and would have it completed in ten.
  • British Columbia

    British Columbia
    British Columbia joined Canada's Confederation and also promised to help continue to build the railway.
  • PEI

    Prince Edward Island became our seventh province. They joined after Canada agreed to help them with there money issues as long as they continued to build the railway.
  • Yukon Territories

    Yukon Territories
    After it was discovered there was gold in the Yukon, they joined Canada to recieve help managing the chaos. They needed a government to control them.
  • Three Major Revolutions

    Three Major Revolutions
    The three major revolutions in Canada were:
    ~ Canada gaining full independence from Britain. Canada wanted to be able to make its own decisions.
    ~The provincial governments started to gain more power over the federal government.
    ~The goverment became stronger and more complicated. This was to protect its citizens. This started after Canada was struck by the great depression.
  • Alberta and Saskatchewan

    Alberta and Saskatchewan
    Alberta and Saskatchewan join the confederation after the population increase in the praire lands. They also wanted to start collecting taxes to pay for services in their province such as schools.
  • Newfoundland

    Newfoundland joined after they had two provinicial wide votes. Britain didn't want control of Newfoundland anymore. Canada promised that if Newfounland joined the confederation they would help the province out. They would help them out by building roads and things like that.
  • Nunavut

    The Inuit people wanted their own land, that they would control. They wanted to make their own decisions and to do that they needed a government.