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Key Landmarks in the Environmental Movement

  • Minamata Scandal

    Minamata Scandal
    In Japan, a chemical company known as Minamata disposed of methyl mercury into waste water, which contaminated shellfish and fish as well as causing local people to become ill with mercury poisoning. Symptoms of this included, but was not limited to, high fever, convulsions, psychosis and could lead to a coma or death. After this event occured, people became more aware of ways in which industrialisation can negatively harm the environment, and the trust that people once had vanished.
  • Rachel Carson's Silent Spring

    Rachel Carson's Silent Spring
    This raised awareness of the harms that pesticide has on organisms in the environment, especially to those that were higher up the food chain.
  • Save the Whales Campaign Begins

    Save the Whales Campaign Begins
    In 1970, Greenpeace formed from the Sierra Club and launched its Anti-Whaling Campaign, which was created with the intention to confront Soviet whaling fleets in the East Pacific Ocean. This movement spread globally, and soon protests began in many countries to stop whaling. The social implications of this meant that many people, who had originally not cared about the effects of whaling, realised that there needed to be something done about the terrible practice.
  • Bhopal

    8000-10000 people died within 72 hours after an explosion at a Union Carbide plant that released 42 tonnes of methyl isocytane gas.
  • Chernobyl Nuclear Meltdown

    Chernobyl Nuclear Meltdown
    This created awareness of the dangerous power of nuclear energy, as steam blast effects caused by the meltdown led to two deaths in the facility and several injuries.
  • UN Rio Earth Summit

    UN Rio Earth Summit
    This conference occured due to a need to focus on sustainable development, for the first time ever. It was attended by 172 nations, and the radical repurcussions where felt globaly.
  • An Inconvenient Truth

    An Inconvenient Truth
    After the release of the film, the issue of global warming became more prominent in society and many people began to change their attitudes towards the subject.