Key International Treaties post WW1

  • Brest-Litovsk

    The first peace treaty was with Russia who had sided with allies and Germany with other members of the Central Powers
  • Versailles

    One of the most important treaties, post world war 1. It was signed at the Palace of Versailles exactly 5 years after Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated. Germany was ordered to pay extensive war damage funds, that resentment caused resentment which fueled later nazi propaganda. The regions of Alsace and Lorraine were returned to France and the Saarland region in Germany was placed under an international mandate for 15 years.
  • Saint-Germain-en-Laye

    This treaty established peace between
  • Neuilly

    Allied powers signed this treaty with Bulgaria, which had joined forces with Germany in 1915, this took place in the Paris suburb of Neuilly. Bulguria lost Yugoslavia, to Romania and and Greece.
  • Trianon

    The treaty of Trianon was finalised at Versailles between the allies and Hungary. Hungarian empire lost 2 thirds of the land it controlled. Most ethnic Hungarian's found themselves living outside of Hungary, mostly in Romania.
  • The two Turkey treaties

    The turkey treaties led to the termination of the Otto-man emprire and the boarder shaping of modern day Turkey. The first was signed at Servres in France. This led to Turkey's inderpendant war against Greece. Signed for the Allies by Britain, France and Italy, the treaties saw the country lose its Arab possessions, with Britain receiving a mandate for Palestine and Mesopotamia, and France awarded one for Lebanon and Syria.