Period: to
Overthrow Events
Birth of David Kalakaua
David Kalakaua was born on November 16th, 1836 in Honolulu. -
David Kalakaua was elected
When Lunalilo died, King David Kalakaua was elected into the office in 1874. -
Election War
When the Legislature agreed to elect King David Kalakaua on February 12th, 1874, Queen Lili'uokalani's supporters went for the Legislatures. They trespassed into the kingdom and beat multiple native Legislatures. As an effect, King Kalakaua asked for marines from American and British warships to safely and effectively get rid of Queen Lili'uokalani's mob. -
Reciprocity Treaty
The Reciprocity Treaty was a trade agreement. An agreement that stated a duty free trading market for sugar from Hawaii. In return Hawaii got economic advantages strictly for them, from the U.S. -
Bayonet Constitution
King David Kalakaua was put at gunpoint to sign a constitution. He was held at gunpoint with bayonets by the Honolulu Rifles.The Constitution disenfranchises Hawaiians because of property disqualifications. Hawaiians often could not vote which in turn gave Haoles all the votes. -
Committee of Safety
The Committee of Safety was organized by the Hawaiian League. The idea of the Committee of Safety was a group that would take total power over the island and make Hawaii a U.S. territory. -
The Attempt to Return Queen Lili'uokalani to the throne
President Grover Cleveland sent out a U.S. minister to save Queen Lili'uokalani and help give her the throne back. President Cleveland refused to have Hawaii become a U.S state unwillingly, so he and President McKinley came up with a treaty along with the Hawaii Republic. -
Queen Lili'uokalani's Constitution
The constitution written by Queen Lili'uokalani was for eliminating voting rights to foreigners and helping disregard conditions for property for property requirements. She was trying to get rid of any power that Europeans and Americans had that wasn't meant for them. -
Overthrow of Hawaii
Hawaii was overthrown by the U.S. troops. The U.S. got more territory out of annexing Hawaii. Queen Lili'uokalani had to be forcefully surrendered to an unreasonable invasion.Hawaii would now be apart of the U.S..