Attrition Battles
Egypt attacked Israel many times and the PLO organization rose up in all of the attacks and they attacked Jordan but lost. After that they moved their operations to Lebanon. Israel gained land from Egypt, Jordan, and syria -
Attrition Battles
Egypt attacked Israel many times and the PLO organization rose up in all of the attacks and they attacked Jordan but lost. After that they moved their operations to Lebanon. Israel gained land from Egypt, Jordan, and syria -
Yom Kippur War
In 1973, Egypt and Syria attacked Israel on Yom kippur.
Israel retained the territories captured in 1967, but did not keep additional land -
Settlement Construction Begins
Israeli government approved the building of settlements in the Sinai, Gaza and the West Bank.
Israeli government approved the building of settlements in the Sinai, Gaza and the West Bank. Israeli government approved the building of settlements in the Sinai, Gaza and the West Bank.
Overtime, settlement constructions increase: there are now roughly 300,000 people in the West Bank -
Egypt and Israel Sign peace agreement
Egypt was the first Arab country to sign a peace treaty with Israel.
Israel returned to Egypt all of the Sinai that had been captured during the 1967. -
The Lebanon War
PLO attacked communities in northern Israel. Until 200, it maintained a military presence in a section of southern Lebanon -
The First Intifada
Palestine's attacked Israel used military force to stop them. Israel army trained to fight the Palestines.
It led to many people dying. Equal number of people died from Palestine and Israel. -
The Oslo Accords
A set of agreements signed by Israel and PLO. It was intended to be an interim agreement that would lead to permanent settlement With Israel.
It led to Palestine Authority and it led to Israel withdraw their military presence in the gaza strip. It renounced violence and made things more peaceful. -
Israel and Jordan sign a Peace agreement
It was a treaty between Egypt and Israel that was a difficult process. Jordan recognized Israel.
Trade business relations, tourism, cultural,exchanges and scientific cooperation between Jordan and Israel raised. -
The Camp David Summit
a summit meeting at Camp David between United States The summit took place between 11 and 25 July 2000 and was an effort to end the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. The summit ended without an agreement.It led a withdrawing from the vast majority of West bank. -
The second Intifada
It was the second uprising of Palestine. The Israeli Occupation Forces launched a series of sweeping military offensives and administrative policies designed to collectively punish Palestinians for the uprising.
Israel military returned to major population centers. There is misery for both sides -
Israel Begins Constructing the West Bank Barrier
Israel decided to build a security barrier that would separate its citizens from terrorist groups.
Reduced the number of suicide bombings in Israel from Gaza strip . -
The arab Peace Initiative is proposed
Abdullah of Saudi Arabia proposed a peace initiative that was enforced by all members of Arab League. It offered Israel peace for Israel withdraw from territories gained in 1967.
Israeli leaders met with representative of the Arab League to discuss the proposal. -
Disengagement From Gaza
It was the physical separation of Israel from Palestine Territories. It led to Isreal removing itself so Palestine could govern themselves. -
The Battle of Gaza
Great conflict between Hamas and PLO Fatah. Hamas attacked Fatah members in Gaza. Mahmoud Abbas dissolved the Hamas government. -
The 2006 Lebanon War
Israel was attacked and they fired missiles back on Hezbollah military targets. Neither side won and they were both hit pretty badly -
Hamas is Elected
Palestinians elected a majority of Hamas members to the Palestinian Authority’s legislature over the PLO’s Fatah party that had been in power
He calls for the destruction of Israel and for the killing of Jews. It divides some Palestine's from their homeland. -
The Gaza War
Israel attacked Hamas in Gaza to disrupt terrorist infractions.
Many civilian casualties and Gaza’s buildings and economy were very damaged -
Gaza Flotilla Incident
Hamas seized control from Palestinian Authority Israel and Egypt began a blockade of Gaza.
This had led to a severe deterioration in the relationship between israel and turkey, which had been allies. -
The Arab Spring
Arab states protested against the oppressive governments.
Tunisian, Egyptian presidents resigned. Protests still go on in Algeria, Bahrain, Jordan, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Syria, Yemen