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Start of the Erich von Manstein plan
In these days Germans start moving troops and they focused them in the Ardennes forest to attack Sedan, and they put some troops in the zone of Holland and Belgium. They did that because they knew that the French wouldn't reforce Sedan because they thought that Germans tanks wouldn't go through. -
Capture of Sedan
Germans start attacking Sedan, because they hadn't reforce it Germans capture it very fast. By the night of 12 of May Sedan has been captured by Germans. -
Cleaning of Sedan
Once Germans have Sedan they receive attacks from the surrounding forces that the French had, Germans defeated all very fast thanks to the Luftwaffle (air force). -
Try of French to destroy bridges avoiding the advance of the Germans
Once Germans have Sedan the French knew that if they allow the Germans to complete his offense they would be defeated very fast. So the French what they did is with the air force try to destroy the different bridges of the Meuse river. But German air force stop that attacks -
Period: to
Counter attacks of France
Once they are conquered they tried to counter attack the Germans but they wouldn't be successful. -
Channel of the Meuse river
Once the attack of the French finished the Germans approach to advance and get the channel of the Meuse river