Paul Rever and William Dawes Ride...Josh
Paul Rever was a silversmith in boston. Paul was in the revoltionary war. The job that Paul had was when the british where comming, he would go and warn the peopl to keep them safe. When the british where comming, he rode on his horse and told the people,THE BRITISH IS COMMING, over and over. People thinks he died becouse they never found him after he told the people the british was comming. -
Betsy Ross- Addie Becker
Betsy Ross was born on January 1st 1752 and died on January 30 1836. She lived to be 84 was healhty but know one is sure about how she died. Betsy made the first American flag. There were thirteen stars formed in a circle to show the conection of the first thirteen coloneys. -
French and Indian War--Nate Stutzman
The French and Indian War was primarily fought over land. It was also refered to as the Seven Years of War.The name of the war is the French and Indian because the French and Indians teamed up against Great Britain. It was fought from Virginia to Nova Scotia. -
Fort Ticonderoga-Mason Togher
Fort Ticonderoga is a large fort bulit by the Canadiens and the French. The fort is on the southe end of Lake Champlain. They started bulding at 1754 and ended on 1757. They built the fort for the Amierican revolution. -
Deborah sampson-Tucker
Deborah samson died on April 29, 1829. She impersonated a man in order to searve in the contenental army. After the war ended in 1783 she maried a man named Benjamin Gannettand had 3 kids named Earl, Mary and Patience. Then she started going around giving speaches about her time in the war. -
The Sugar Act--Henry
This act was a tax on sugar, wine, molases, and other important things. The Sugar Act was also known as The American Revenue Act or The American Duties Act. The Sugar Act was a modified version of the Sugar and Molases Act. The Sugar Act was one of the many taxes on the colonists to pay off war debts fron the French and Indian War. The difference between the origional act and this act was the tax was only halve the the amount. -
Green Mountain Boys- Ashley Aweida
The Green Mountain Boys were a militia organization in the territory between the Britishy provinces of New York and New Hampshire, also known as the New Hampshire Grants. When a New York sheriff, leading 300 militiamen, attempted to take possession of Grants farms in 1771, he was met with resistance. A determined group of Bennington militia led by young firebrands Ethan Allen and Remember Baker blocked his efforts -
The Stamp Act-Grant
The stamp act was about king George III taxing the colonists on all things made of paper like documents, newspapers, and playing cards. -
Quarting act Tanes
the first Quarting act British soldiers needed to be housed which expired on feburay 2, 1765. The colonists were mad about the act because it violated the bill of rights. No army had been forced to be in the colonies before the French and indian war.So the colonists asked themselves why do we need a standing army when the french had been defated. -
Townshed Acts - Madison
The purpose of the Townshend Acts was to raise revenue in the colonies to pay the salaries of governors anTownshend Acts, 1767.Originated by Charles Townshend and passed by the English Parliament shortly after the repeal of the Stamp Act. judges so that they would be independent of colonial rule, to create a more effective means of enforcing compliance with trade regulations.In response to the sometimes violent protests by the American colonists, Great Britain sent more troops to the colonies. -
Boston Massacre - Tessa Barker
Click Here to Learn MoreThe Boston Massacre was an incedent. Some British redcoat troops shot 5 civilan men. The redcoats were stationed in Bosten since 1768 in order to protect the crown. After the redcoats had shot the men a mob created around a British sentry and was abused and harresed. Eventally he was supported by a group of British troops who where then insulted by threats and throwing objects. They fired at the crowd without order and instently killed 3 people. First the shot weren't meant, but later they were. -
Boston Tea Party--Miss. Babcock
Angry colonists dressed up as Mohawk indians and threw all of the expensive tea into the Boston Harbor. They threw over 320 creates of tea into the water. -
bosten tea party-abbi
The Boston Tea Party occurred on Thursday, December 16, 1773, and took 3 hours between 7 and 10 PM,90,000 lbs (45 tons) of tea in 342 containers was thrown overboard.116 people participated in the destruction of tea,Each full container had a weight of 400 pounds. Half-containers were 100 pounds each.The destroyed tea was worth an estimated $10,000. In today’s money this would be approximately equal to a million dollars.The names of the three B.T.P. ships were Dartmouth, Eleanor and Beaver. -
intolerable acts--Lexi
the intolerable acts or the coercive acts were acts ofthe british -
The First Continental Congress-Gilliane Welch
The first continental congress met briefly in Carpenter Hall in Philadelphia,Pennsylvania from September 5, to October 26, in 1774. The congress consisted of fifty-six delegates from twelve of the Thirteen Colonies. The delegates which included George Washington, then a colonel of the Virginia volunteers, Patrick Henry, John Adams,and Samual Adams. The congress met because of the British blockade. -
The Shot Heard Around the World* Bailey Bennett
The shot heard around the world took place on April 19 1775 the first provirbal shot between British forces and local militia in Lexington. This shot killed a man named Arckduke Franz Ferdinand which plunged the world into World War One. Because of this the phrase "the shot herad around the world" now means but another thing, to allude to the importance of single actions and sporting events. Thank You For Reading "The Shot Heard Around the World." -
The Second Continental Congress--Sophia Barnett
The Second Continental Congress was a convention of delegates from the Thirteen Colonies. They started meeting on May 10th, 1775 in Phillidelphia. The second Congress managed war affare and moved colonists twords independance, adopting the Decleration of Independance on July 4th, 1776. -
battel of bunker hill--Luke T.
It took place in 1775 it was during siege of Boston and in early the revlulutionary war. The British were planing to bring troops over to bunker hill instead of the war in the city of Boston. -
Washington Crossing the Delaware River- seth
Washington Crossing the Delaware River happend during the American Revolutionary War. It was the first move in a surprise atttack planned by George Washington.Which happend at Pennslyvania and New Jersey. -
The battle Saratoga Aaron
The Battle of Saratoga september 19 to october 7th 1777. It was between britts and Collinsts and the American troops on the Hudson River in New York. Later in the war, spain sided with America. Near theend of the war the Amercans have taken over many of the brittch defences and won the war. -
articals of confedaration- Kate
it was the first constitution of the united states. it didnt get signed and passed by all thirteen states until March 1781.It was a time of writing. the prossess whent on for a wile. -
Valley Forge- Reilly Nugent
.The Continental Army arrived at Valley Forge on December 19, 1777, after a fought battles with the British. Since early fall, the General George Washington had problems getting supplies to his troops. As winter approached, the problems became worse. According to General George Washington's letter to Congress, the soldiers in his Continentel Army did not -
The Battle of Yorktown - Maurizio
By the summer of 1781, the American troops managed to force Corwallis and his army to Yorktown, Virginia. The French naval fleet was on its way to Chesapeake Bay to support the American soldiers surrounding Yorktown. Cornwallis was trapped between the American army and the French navy. By mid-October, Cornwallis was running out of food and ammunition. On October 19, 1781, General Cornwallis and 8,000 British troops surrendered. This was the last major battle of the war. -
Treaty of Paris--Vincent
The treaty of Paris was when America and Great Britan signed a peace treaty in Paris to end the Revolutinary War. This peace treaty was signed in Paris Frace in a hotel called hotel D'York. Britian also signed seperate agreemants with Spain and France. The ten articals (part of the treaty) stated that America was free from Britan and that the Revolutinary War had ended. -
George Washington hayden
Ggeorge Washington was elected presidant in 1789. his leadership style inspired people to use technices that has been used ever since. He was born in virginia. He quickly become a senior soldier