Key Events in Jesus' Life

By jmaher5
  • 6 BCE

    The Annunciation

    The Annunciation
    The Annunciation is the day where the angel Gabriel came down and proclaimed to Mary that she was going to have the baby Jesus who would be saviour for all mankind. Luke 1:26–38
  • Period: 6 BCE to 30

    Scale: 5 years every node.

  • 4 BCE

    Jesus is born in Bethlehem and grows in Nazareth.

    Jesus is born in Bethlehem and grows in Nazareth.
    Jesus was born to Mary and Joseph, in a town called Bethlehem. Mary gave birth to her son in a stable and laid Him in a manger. Eight days after His birth, they moved to Nazareth and He grew up in that city.
    The significance of the event is that it's birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ, who would go on to be the saviour of all humanity. Luke 2:1-20
  • 26

    Jesus is baptised by John the Baptist at the age of thirty in the Jordan River.

    Jesus is baptised by John the Baptist at the age of thirty in the Jordan River.
    After Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment, heaven was opened and He saw the spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on Him.
    The significance of this event is that Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist and from that day forward, every Catholic is baptised like Jesus, many years ago.
  • 26

    Performs his first miracle by turning water into wine at the wedding of Cana

    Performs his first miracle by turning water into wine at the wedding of Cana
    Jesus performed his first miracle at the age of 30, by filling many jugs with water and transforming the water to wine. The occasion was of great joy and announced the start of Jesus’ ministry.
    Jesus performed his first miracle on this day and it was significant because He proved his faith in God and He proved that he was the Messiah.
  • 28

    Chooses the twelve disciples.

    Chooses the twelve disciples.
    Jesus’ twelve disciples were Peter, James, John, Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James, Thaddeus, Simon and Judas. These disciples were the foundation stones of Jesus’ church
    This is a significant event because it's when Jesus chose the people who would follow in His path.
  • 29

    Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes -- feeds 5000 men plus women and children with 5 loaves of bread and two fish.

    Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes -- feeds 5000 men plus women and children with 5 loaves of bread and two fish.
    Jesus saw a great crowd of people. Jesus had the compassion for the people and cured the sick. The disciples said to Him, “send them to a town so that they are able to purchase food.” Jesus said to the disciples “don’t send them away, give them food.” The disciples replied, “we only have five loaves of bread and two fish.” Jesus ordered them to take a seat. Jesus then took the five loaves of bread and two fish and blessed them. He broke the bread and gave it to the crowd to eat.
  • 29

    Raises Lazarus from the dead

    Raises Lazarus from the dead
    A man named Lazarus was deathly sick. His family was welcoming Jesus into their home where they washed his feet and fed him. Jesus loved Lazarus and his family so he stayed with Lazarus to make sure he did not die from his sickness. The significance of this event is it shows us what a kind and generous person Jesus was and what he would do for the people he loved.
  • 30

    Resights sight to two blind men

    Resights sight to two blind men
    Two blind men followed Jesus, crying aloud, “Have mercy on us, Son of David. Jesus asked them if they believe that he could heal them they replied with yes, so Jesus gave them their sight back for their faith.
  • 30

    Entry into Jerusalem. (Palm Sunday)

    Entry into Jerusalem. (Palm Sunday)
    Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, as He rode into the city on a donkey. His followers spread palm branches on the floor and called Him, “Hosanna” or “Saviour.” Jesus’ entry takes place days before the Last Supper , marking the beginning of his Passion. It also marks the beginning of Holy Week.
  • 30

    The Last Supper. (Thursday)

    The Last Supper. (Thursday)
    The last supper is where Jesus and his disciples are celebrating the feast of the passover and Jesus broke the bread for the last time before judas would betray him. During the Last Supper, Jesus washed all the feet of the disciples, so that the disciples could wash each other's feet, meaning that they could serve each other.
  • 30

    Arrest, trial, and crucifixion. (Good Friday)

    Arrest, trial, and crucifixion. (Good Friday)
    Good Friday is the last day of holy week and is also the day where Jesus was tried by Pontius pilate and then was forced to carry the cross up to the mountain where then he would be crucified. The significance of Jesus' death was to save all of humanity from sin and keep us safe from all distress.
  • 30

    Resurrection from the dead. (Easter Day)

    Resurrection from the dead. (Easter Day)
    Mary Magdalene and other women were bringing spices to Jesus’ tomb, when they saw that the stone was not there any more. Then, an angel told them that Jesus has risen and is heading to Galilee to meet the disciples. Jesus' resurrection represents an assurance that we can have forgiveness from our sins.