Proclamation Line of 1763
After the French and Indain War the king of Great Britain made the Proclamation Line of 1763, hoping it will stop the fighting with the Native Americans, who were angry that the British had setled on their lands. -
The Stamp Act
The Stamp Act taxed printed items, such as newspapers and legal documents. Even playing cards were taxed. The reson why is because after the French and Indian War, Britain still had to pay for the war. -
The Boston Massacre
On the night March 5, 1770, an angry crowd gathered near the Massachusetts State House in Boston. The crowd threw rocks and snowballs at a group of British soldiers. As the crowd moved forward, the soldiers fired thier guns. Five colonists died. The event soon became known as the Boston Massacre. -
The Boston Tea Party
On the night of Dec. 16, 1773, about 150 members of the Sons of Liberty dressed as American Indians and marched to the Boston Harbor. The group, lead by Samuel Adams and Paul Revere, boarded 3 British ships. The colonists threw more than 300 chests of tea over the ship or overboard. -
The First Continental Congress
In Sep. 1774, leaders from all the colonies except Georgia and Philadelphia. This meeting was later called the First Continental Congress. The delegates hoped to find a peaceful solution to their problems with Great Britain. -
Patrick Henry Speech
In a speech, Patrick Henry, an out spoken member of the Virginia House of Burgesses, said, " I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! " These words inspired other colonists and soon became a patriotic slogan. -
Battle of Lexington & Concord
In April 1775, British soldiers marched tward the towns of Lexington & Concord in Massachusetts. They planned to arrest two leaders of the Sons of Liberty and capture the group's weapons. The British wanted their plans to be a secret, but Paul Revere found out about it and rode to Lexington to warn the townspeople. The Massachusetts's militia was wating for them. No one knows wich side fired first. 8 minutemen were killed, several others were injured, it was the same at Concord. -
Approval of the Declaration of Independence
The Congress formed a committee to write a declaration explaining the resons for independance. Thomas Jefferson mostly wrote the Declaration of Independance. Also, John Adams and Benjamin Frankilin Rivised and edited the important document. On July 4, 1776, the Congress voted to aprove this document. John Hancock was the first to sign the document, he wrote his name veary large. -
Battle of Saratoga
The Continental Army set a sneack attack on the British that were at Trenton, New Jersey. When they won that war that convinced the French to come and help them. This was the turning point for the war. -
Surrender at Yorktown
The French and American soldiers surrounded Yorktown, Virginia in the summer of 1781. The French and American soldiers came from the South and surrounded Yorktown. On Oct. 19, 1781 the British gave up and it was a huge victory for the American countries and the French soldiers. -
Signing of the Treaty of Paris
In the treaty the British reconized the United States of America as a nation, also it set the borders for the United States. It reached from Georgia to the Great Lakes, the Mississippi River formed the western border.