Key events from 1812-1848

  • Mexico captures California

    Mexico captures California
    By 1820 cali only had 1300 colonists. This later grew to about 1 billion people.
  • Battle of San Jacinto

    Battle of San Jacinto
    The rebels pushed back and won thier independance. If they hadn't done this, we woould have never won texas.
  • The texans rebel

    The texans rebel
    The texans guarded a cannon that the mexicans wanted to take down. Therefor the rebelian had begun. Teaxas would still belong to mexico if this hadn't happened.
  • Independance!

    On March 2, 1836, Texans declared their independence from Mexico. The new Republic of Texas was born.
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    Americans had always believed they could build a new, better society founded on democratic principles. If this didn't occur, we would be living a worse unfair life.
  • Mexican-American War

    Mexican-American War
    Mexico and america fought for texas. We eventually won it over by defeating mexico while their troops were sleeping. Mexico would have ended up with texas if we didn't decide to do that.
  • California under Mexico

    California under Mexico
    Mexico captures california. America eventually captures it back and is now inhabited with over1 billion americans.
  • Conflict Breaks Out

    Conflict Breaks Out
    President Polk ordered General Zachary Taylor to lead an army into the disputed region. America starts the war towards mexico for more land.
  • War Begins

    War Begins
    Kearny took Santa Fe, the capital city, without a fight. America won and lost battles along the way.
  • War’s End

    War’s End
    After a close battle with heavy casualties on both sides, the Mexican Army retreated. In the morning, the cry went up: “The enemy has fled! The field is ours!” If we hadn't won the battle we would not have recieved Texas.