Key Events 1750-1910

By 168804
  • American Declaration of Independence

    American Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independance was a statment adopted by the Continenal on July 4th. The national birthday of the Independance day is celebrated on July 4th although John Adams wanted July 2.
  • Edmund Cartwright patents a power loom

    Edmund  Cartwright  patents a  power loom
    Edmund Cartwright invented the power loom in 1785. It was made to mechenically combine threads to make cloth. it became commonly used after 1820.
  • French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

    French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
    French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen was created on 26th of August 1789. It is a fundemental document about the French Revolution and the history of human rights.
  • Tom Paine’s The Rights of Man is published

    Tom Paine’s  The Rights of Man is published
    <a href=' >The rights of man </a> Tom Paine attempts to only to justify the French Revolution and also to use the United States as a primary example of democracy in action.
  • First steam locomotive is operating at Pennydarren, Wales

     First steam locomotive  is operating at Pennydarren, Wales
    The steam locomotive made its first test run on the morning of february 14 1804. A week later it managed to haul ten tones of iron, seventy pasengers and five iron wagons.
  • Abolition of slavery in the British Empire

    Abolition of slavery in the British Empire
    The abolition of slavery was an act of the United Kindom Parliment.
    it abolished all slavery, in the Brittish Empire, which meant freeing slaves from work and letting them have a life.
  • Meiji (‘enlightened rule’) Restoration in Japan; feudalism is abandoned and capitalism embraced

    The Meiji Restoration was a chain of events that restored imperial rulke to Japan. These goals of the restoed goverment were expressed by the emperor.
  • German unifcation after the Franco-Prussian War leading to Germany’s rise as an imperial power

    German unifcation  after the  Franco-Prussian War leading to Germany’s rise as an imperial power
    The formal unification of Germany into a politically and administratively integrated nation state officially occurred on 18 January 1871 in France.
  • Guglielmo Marconi invents the wireless (radio)

    Guglielmo Marconi invents the wireless (radio)
    Radio technology became wirless telegraphy. Without the telegraph or telephone the radio would not have been envented as the idea came from both of them together. It started with the discovery of radio waves, electromagnets that transfer sound, pictures and other data through the air.
  • Russo-Japanese War; Japan defeats Russia

    Russo-Japanese War; Japan defeats Russia
    8th of Feb 1904- 5th of Sep1905 was the Russian, Japanese war. It was the first great war of the 20th century. Japan issued a declaration of war on 8 February 1904 but before the Russians knew about the issue, they attacked a port. The Russians were suprised that the Japanese attacked when there was no official declaration of war.