American War of Independence
American Delclaration of Independents
Edmund Cartwright patents apower loom
French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
The Rights of Man is Published Tom Paine
The first steam train is operating at Pennydarren wales
Luddite riots destroy Machines in Factories
Chartism a working-class movment for male voting and other rights
George Stephenson begins a ralil service from London to Liverpool
Abolition of slavery in the British Empire
Great western is launched in Britiain , first steamship built for ocean voyages
Meiji Restoration in Japan Feudalism is Abandoned and capitalism embraced
German unification after the Franco-Prussian War leading to the Germanys rise as an imperial power
Brooklyn Bridge New York is Opened
USA wins Spanish American war and takes control of Guam the Philippines, Puerto Rico and for a time Cuba
Guglielmo Marconi invents the wireless radio
The first Zeppelin airship is built
Russo Japanese War Japan defeats Russia