Key developments in T&T since 1970

  • Boeing 'Jumbo Jet'

    Boeing 'Jumbo Jet'
    The Boeing Jumbo Jet was first introduced on the 22nd of January 1970, it is a large, long range, wide body aeroplane. It was introduced after the 707 that was introduced in October of 1958, they wanted a jet that was 2 times bigger. Boeing 747 changed air travel when it was introduced as the worlds largest passenger plane. It allowed airlines to add things like onboard bars. Boeing 747 is still the biggest passenger plane to this day and has been going strong for over 50 years.
  • Car Ownership in the UK reaches 11 million

    Car Ownership in the UK reaches 11 million
    In the 1970s the car ownership in the UK reached 11 million, this meant that people could travel of their own Accord not having to rely on public transport. Travelling within the UK like people going to campsites and theme parks became more popular. Car ownership increasing does affect public transport but not to the point of it failing, public transport is still a very common form of transport to this day even with over 36 million household owning just one car.
  • Concorde

    Concorde was the first supersonic transport. It was built together by manufacturers in Britain and France. Concorde made its first flight on the 26th of September 1993 and the official passenger flight was on the 21st of January 1973. The plane had a few routes to start with some being London to Bahrain and Paris to Rio De Jeneiro. The planes noise levels and operational costs limited its run time Concorde finally cut operations in 2003 after a crash in 2000 that killed everyone on board.
  • Growth of Low-cost airlines

    Growth of Low-cost airlines
    The growth of low-cost airlines was a massive development for the travel industry, helped by the invention of the internet low- cost providers like Easy Jet and Ryanair, offer cheap flights to people looking to travel at a lower expense. They are able to keep their services cheap by selling directly to customers via the internet and sometimes over the phone rather than using travel agents, also by using smaller regional airports with lower landing costs. Airlines also Sell lots of holiday extras
  • Brits made 20 million visits abroad

    Brits made 20 million visits abroad
    In 1982 the the number of British visits abroad hit 20 million, lots of these visits was because the popularity of package holidays they had a huge grow in sales. There was also a growing number of high street travel agents. In 1980 Thomas cook was being taken over by part of Thomson and discounts were high and people were using them. Now an average number of British visits abroad is over 125 million but as COVID struck the number is back down less than 20 million.
  • Invention of the internet

    Invention of the internet
    The invention of the internet was absolutely massive for travel industry it completely changed how everything worked, now you cam do everything yourself from booking your taxi to the airport to booking a full package holiday you no longer have to go into a travel agent or wait for an advert on the TV, you can do everything from your phone or laptop in the comfort of your own home. Some people are not the biggest fan of doing things their self so travel agents are still very popular.
  • Launch of Easy Jet

    Launch of Easy Jet
    Easy Jet has become such a huge airline name, they are a British low cost airline with headquarters in London Luton airport. They operate domestic as well as international flights with around 1000 routes and more than 30 countries. EasyJet’s strategy is to develop strong positions in Europes leading airports, they are confident that their strategy of building on competitive advantage will position to deliver sustainable growth a return of shareholders.
  • Channel Tunnel

    Channel Tunnel
    The Channel Tunnel is the only fixed link between Great Britain and the European mainland, it opened on the 6th of may 1994 and became a huge development in transport. The Channel Tunnel is a 31 mile train line that runs beneath the English Channel, it connects Folkestone and Calais and only takes around 35 minutes, at the deepest point the tunnel is 75 meters below sea level. The Tunnel was extremely expensive to build and cost more than £15 billion, it changed travel for Britain and Europe.
  • Overseas came to Britain

    Overseas came to Britain
    In 1998 when people from overseas started to come to Britain it was a big development. More than 25 million people came overseas to Britain spending over £12 million, tourists are extremely important to Britain and tourism contributes £106 billion to the British economy so this was an event that made such a big impact. Still today many people come oversea to Britain spending money and boosting tourism.
  • 9/11

    On September 11th 2001 a terrorist attack known as 9/11 changed travel, it was never the same after. They were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks, where two planes flew into the World Trade Center in New York City, a third hit the Pentagon in Arlington and a fourth crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. Almost 3,000 people were killed in the attacks, this triggered a U.S initiative to combat terrorism.
  • 9/11 - second slide

    9/11 - second slide
    At 8:45 on September 11 a hijacked American Airlines Boeing 767 crashed into the North tower. 18 minutes later another Boeing 767 crashed into the south tower. There were 19 terrorist and they easily smuggled box cutters and knives through security at three East coast airports, they then boarded four fuel loaded planes and after takeoff they took control. After 9/11 airport security was never the same there is now a long list of items that you cannot take in your carry on.
  • Indian Ocean tsunami

    Indian Ocean tsunami
    The Indian Ocean tsunami happened on December 26th, 2004, an undersea earthquake caused A number of tsunami waves, causing destruction and damage that affected 14 countries including The tsunami caused a damage estimated at over $500 million. Lots of tourists had to cancel scheduled trips. The tsunami killed over 225,000 people making it one of the most deadliest natural disasters ever recorded. The tsunami lasted over 7 hours and took 5 years for all countries to fully recover.
  • Icelandic Ash Cloud

    Icelandic Ash Cloud
    11 years ago, a series of volcanic eruptions in a ice cap in Iceland called Eyijafallajökull caused an ash cloud to form. This ash cloud caused havoc for air travel in Europe. There was worries that the ash would damage aircraft engines so lots of the air space was closed. This lasted for a period of six days from April 16th and by April 21st 95,000 flights had been cancelled. This even was know as a large scale disruption to air travel and farming.
  • Trip Advisor iphone app launch

    Trip Advisor iphone app launch
    In 2010 Trip Advisor launched their first iPhone app, and their partnership with Facebook was also announced. From just a tiny by 2015 Trips Advisor had over 300 million reviews on their site and then moved to a a headquarters with over $100 million and more than 290,000 square feet. The launch of Trip Advisors meant that people were able to read many reviews on their holidays and trips and see what other had said, it really made a difference to people who like to check places out before hand.
  • Photo sharing on social media

    Photo sharing on social media
    Around 2010 when social media really started to grow there was the option to share and post photos, this was a massive thing for the travel industry. People could post amazing photos of where they had been and other people were able to see what the place looked like. In a survey conducted on Instagram their platform os the go to social network for 50% of people who want to choose their next holiday. On top of that many holiday companies like TUI and Ryanair use social media to share lots of info
  • Brexit

    in 2018 the United Kingdom made the decision to leave the EU the official eave date was not until 2 years later on 31st of January 2020. Brexit left most people confused and not knowing what the effects were, but one result of Brexit saw UK visitors numbers to fall by over 5% in 2018. Brexit still leaves many people unsure of how it will affect them and as for the travel and tourism industry it still remains unseen as to how it will affect any aspect both inside and outside of the UK.
  • Covid-19

    Starting in 2019 the world changed and not for the better, a virus known as COVID-19 went around the world and changed everything mainly travel, everyone had to stay in their homes and isolate no one could go anywhere. Covid changed travel as we know it everything was restricted, to travel you had to isolate and test, but Covid stopped people wanting to travel the risk was just too high. The impact that Covid has had on the Travel and Tourism industry had ...
  • Tourism drops

    Tourism drops
    Because of Covid-19 the virus and all the lockdowns has caused tourism levels to be the lowest ever. Numbers have dropped From nearly 7 million to just 100,000 a fall of over 98%. Coronavirus is a highly infectious and people are just not willing to take the risk of travelling, not the mention all the government rules to say you cant travel. We are still not back to normal with travel in 2021 and we are unsure what lies ahead or when we will ever got back, but everyone is hoping.
  • Covid - slide 2

    Covid - slide 2
    seen it fall to the lowest ever. According to, monthly air passengers arriving into the UK fell from over 6,000,000 in February 2020 to just 112,000 in April of 2020 that’s a fall of 98%. In June 2020 employment in accommodation fell by 21% compared to June in 2019. In April 2020, only 19,000 passenger vehicles travelled, compared to the April in 2019 where 220,000 passenger vehicles travelled a fall of 91%.
  • Future Developments

    Future Developments
    After Covid-19 the travel industry would never be the same again, to get the industry back up on its feet there will be things that everyone needs to do. Wearing a masks at the airport and on the planes will become a very normal thing, Entering certain countries wont be possible without being vaccinated and social distancing will remain in place where possible. Covid-19 will eventually become just like the flew in years to come,for those who are un vaccinated their travel journey may get harder.