First recorded COVID death in the UK; number of COVID cases in the UK exceeds 100 (115)
Activity: Gain rapid insight into the public's understanding, attitudes and behavioural responses to the COVID-19 outbreak in order to inform research activity/priorities + establish a network for ongoing engagement
Activity type: Qualtrics survey -
UK's COVID risk is raised from moderate to high; those with a cough or fever are told by the government to isolate for 7 days; non-essential travel and large gatherings are advised against by the PM
Activity: Explore UK adult's risk perceptions and behavioural responses during the early phase of the pandemic
Activity type: YouGov
Activity held over the 17th - 18th March -
GPs asked to identify vulnerable patients and send out shielding guidance
Took place 21st March - start of April -
Lockdown measures are legally enforced
NB: 23rd March: lockdown was announced -
Activity: Gaining insight and opinions on digital contact tracing and communicating the outbreak to the public
Activity type: virtual focus group -
Prime Minister tests positive for COVID
PM is hospitalised between 6th and 12th April -
Activity: Gaining insight and opinions on shielding and following shielding guidance
Activity type: virtual focus group -
Lockdown is extended for 'at least three weeks'
Activity: Gaining insight and opinions on antibody testing to inform the REACT study
Activity type: virtual focus group -
Prime Minister gives conditional plan for lifting lockdown
Chief Adviser Dominic Cummings is revealed to have travelled 250 miles to North East England during the lockdown by the Daily Mirror and the Guardian
Gradual easing of lockdown measures
Measures eased throughout June
Easing includes phased return to school, relaxing of 2m physical distancing rules and non-essential shops reopening -
Activity: Gaining insight and opinions on the acceptability of antibody testing on children and young people to inform possible implementation
Activity type: Qualtrics survey
Activity carried out between 18th and 21st June -
Activity: Life during lockdown: re-exploring experiences, behaviours and perceptions of risk during the COVID-19 outbreak in the UK
Activity type: Qualtrics survey
Activity was carried out between 19th June and 3rd July -
Activity: Gaining insight and opinions on HIV care
Activity type: virtual focus group -
Activity: Modelling COVID-19 Q&A
Activity type: Q&A session -
Health Inequalities Q&A
Activity type: Q&A session -
Activity: Antibody Testing (REACT-2) Q&A
Activity type: Q&A session -
Eat Out to Help Out (50% discount on food and drink) is implemented
Activity type: Q&A session
Scheme was run between the 3rd and 31st August -
Activity: Developing a Vaccine Q&A
Activity type: Q&A session -
Further easing of COVID-19 restrictions
Easing took place from mid to late August -
COVID-19 restrictions are slowly reintroduced as rate of COVID infections increase rapidly
Measures include banning of indoor and outdoor gatherings, 10pm curfews for hospitality and work from home measures -
Activity: Human Challenge Study
Activity Types: YouGov survey, Qualtrics survey & virtual focus group
Activities took place between 8th - 13th October -
Introduction of three tier system of COVID-19 restrictions in England
Second lockdown is instated
PM announced second lockdown on 31st October -
Second lockdown ends - return to three tier system
Tier 4 restrictions are rolled out
21st December: South East England + London
26th December: other areas of the UK