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Key Canadian Events

By Tayven
  • Canada Joined the War

    Canada Joined the War
    When the news broke that Britain went to war with France against Germany, colonies and dominions who were linked to the British Empire, offered support to help out, but automatically found themselves at way. Colonies and dominions included: Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand and the Union of South Africa. (August 4, 1914)
  • Period: to

    Timespan of Canada Key Events

  • War Measures Act

    War Measures Act
    The War Measures Act essentially provided the Canadian On August 22, 1914 the War Measures Act essentially provided the Canadian government with never before seen powers to prosecute the war in a different way. In this time, security and order was strongly maintained during events of danger. The War Measures Act was used in both of the worlds wars and during the 1970 October Crisis. And, on July 21st, 1988 the limited Emergencies Act came into play replacing the War Measures Act.
  • Battle of Second Ypres

    Battle of Second Ypres
    Canada's first large-scale battle against the Germans, it was also at this time that the first use of chlorine gas came into play against the Canadians. Even after 6,000 of the soldiers went missing in action, somehow the Canadians kept the Germans at bay from breaking through their territory's lines, winning the battle. The battle started on April the 22nd, 1915 and ended on May the 25th, 1915.
  • Beaumont Hamel

    Beaumont Hamel
    The battle of Beaumont Hamel was Canada's first extensive engagement in the war. As the assault took place, the Regiment quickly realized their error and miscalculation of the attack that lost them the battle. The assault only lasted about 30 minutes, 324 were killed in this time frame. (July 1st 1916.)
  • Battle of Vimy Ridge

    Battle of Vimy Ridge
    The battle of Vimy Ridge was one of Canada's most successful attacks in history, and is now a war symbol for identity and independence. The war consisted of the Canadians attacking and winning a German-held strong-point on Vimy Ridge because of the thoroughly planned attack. The battle lasted three days, April 9th to the 12th, 1917
  • Wartime Elections Act

    Wartime Elections Act
    The Wartime Elections Act changed the election rules. One of the reasons it got brought into play was to get more voters. It was also the first time women with exceptions were able to vote in Canada. While some women were able to start voting, many other Canadians lost their right to vote due to enfranchisement.
  • Battle of Passchendaele

    Battle of Passchendaele
    The Battle of Passchendaele was probably the most unpleasant battle of Canada, with barbarous combat and gruesome weather conditions. Despite the conditions the Canadians manged to get their objective, with only 16,000 killed or wounded. The battle last 15 days., October 26th to November 10th, 1917.
  • Federal Election

    Federal Election
    The Federal Election of 1917 was a debate on conscription and mandatory military service for men. It's definitely a debate that is going to go down in Canadian political history. Between the two sides, the pro-conscription side ended up winning the election, this decision had long lasting political effects on Canada.
  • The Hundred Days

    The Hundred Days
    The Hundred Days consisted of a string of battles going on throughout August 8th to November 11th, 1918. The Canadians were strong and not going to give in any time soon, with their air-power, machine-guns, mortars, chemical weapons, and armored vehicles. The Germans stood no chance against the Canadians.
  • Armistice

    The war has finally ended, November the 11th 1918, at 11 a.m. It has taken a huge toll on Canada, with more than nine million of the people who applied for the war dead, and another 20 million civilians dead.