Kevin Rudd became Australia's 26th Prime Minister
On this day Kevin was sworn in as the 26th Prime Minister. Julia Gillard became Australia's first female Deputy Prime Minister. They were sworn in by the Governor General. -
Signing of Kyoto
Australia signed the Kyoto Protocol, the international agreement to limit greenhouse gas emissions. -
Opening of Australia's 42nd Parliament
This was a milestone in Australian politicital history - the first to be preceded by a welcome to country from local Aboriginal people. -
Kevin apologised to the Aboriginal people
This apology was for the effect of past governemnt policies on Indigenous people. -
Kevin orginised the 2020 Summit
1000 participants gathered at Parliament House for a two-day Australia 2020Summit organised by the government to generate ideas and strategies. -
Kevin attended the Olympiad
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Therese Rein attended the opening of the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing. They had been in China earlier that year during an official world tour. -
25th Governor-Genreal was swarn in
Formerly the Governor of Queensland from 2003 to 2008, Ms Quentin Bryce was sworn in as Governor-Genreal, the first female to hold this office. -
Kevin managed the Black Saturday disaster and relief program
Bushfires in northen Victoria take 173 lives and destroyed 2000 houses and 4500 square kilometers of country, exceeding the record of australia's worst bushfires, the 1983 'Ash Wednesday' disaster -
G20 was formed due to Australia's good financial position
Australia's more favourable performance during the global fiancial crisis (GFC), when all the G7 economies contracted, enabled the formation of a wider international body, the G20 -
Tony Abbott became the new opposition leader
Tony abbott became the leader of the Liberal Party and Leader of the Opposition after a Party room vote against Malcolm Turnbull. -
Fair Work replaced Work Choices
The Howard governemnets unpopular Work Choices is replaced with the new Fair Work Program. A big change in Industrial relations processes. -
Kevin was appointed Prime Minister for the 2nd Time
In a leadership challenge, Keven Rudd was elected leader of the Parliamentary Labor Party and beacme Prime Minister for the second time. -
Kevin Rudd was defeated at General Election by Tony Abbott.