Kevin Nea timeline 1

  • 476

    The Last Roman Emperor

    The last Roman Emperor in the West Romulus Augustus was deposed by the foeferati Chieftain.
  • 523

    Justinian marries Theodora

  • 527

    Justinian I becomes the Byzantine emperor

  • 535

    Justinian builds the Haga Sophia

  • 541

    Bubonic Plaugue appears in Egypt

  • 550

    King Chararic of Suevi converts to Catholocism

  • 552

    Justinian recievers silk worms from China from 2 Chinese monks

  • 553

    Byzantine army crushes Gothic army

  • 562

    Byzantine and Persian empires sign peace treaty

  • 565

    Justinian !! succeeds Justinian I as Byzantine emperor

  • 566

    Lombards ally with the Avars

  • 572

    Justin II breaks peace

  • 576

    Visigoths expand their power through the Iberean Penninsula

  • Feb 17, 600

    Small pox arrives in Europe

  • Feb 17, 607

    Pantheon converted into a church

  • Feb 17, 610

    Herclius overthrows the Byzantine emperor

  • Feb 17, 613

    Muhammad begins preaching Islam in Mecca

  • Feb 17, 614

    Persian Empire sacks Jerusalem

  • Feb 17, 620

    Medina converted to Islam

  • Feb 17, 624

    Visigoths recapture Andalusia

  • Feb 17, 626

    Byzantines defeats the Avars, Slavs and the Persian armies

  • Feb 17, 627

    Emperor Heraclius defeats the Persians

  • Feb 17, 630

    Croats and Serbs settle in the Balkans

  • Feb 17, 632

    Muhammad dies

  • Feb 17, 634

    Rashidun Caliphate starts the Islamic conquest

  • Feb 17, 640

    Prince Porga requests Christian teachers be sent to his provinces n the Byzantine Empire

  • Feb 17, 641

    Alexandria and Prince Porga are both surrendered by the Byzantine Empire

  • Feb 17, 647

    Muslims invade Carthage

  • Feb 17, 650

    Khazars defeat the great Bulgarian Empire

  • Jan 29, 674

    The first Aral siege

    The first Aral siege begins in 674 A.D.
  • Feb 17, 710

    Roderic deposes Achila to become king of the Visigoths.

  • Feb 17, 714

    When Pepin II dies his illegitimate son, Charles Martel, becomes mayor of the Austrasian palace and effective power behind the throne

  • Feb 17, 717

    Leo III usurps the throne of Byzantium

  • Feb 17, 721

    Battle of Toulouse

  • Feb 17, 723

    Saint Boniface fells Thor's Oak near Fritzlar

  • Feb 17, 726

    Leo III bans the worship of religious images

  • Feb 17, 730

    Charles Martel defeats the independent dukedom of Alamanni

  • Feb 17, 745

    Bubonic plague from Constantinople sweeps through Europe

  • Feb 17, 746

    The nobility of the Alamanni is killed at the blood court of Cannstatt

  • Feb 17, 755

    Pepin the Short sends his armies into Italy to aid the Pope

  • Feb 17, 756

    Pepin the Short defeats the Lombards

  • Feb 18, 771

    Carloman I dies

  • Feb 18, 774

    Charlemagne conquers the Lombards

  • Pelagus II

    The plague reaches Rone killing Pelagus !!
  • Cerdic and Cynric

  • Theodoric the great deafeated Odoacer

  • Fire devistates Constantinople

  • Constantinople converts to Christianity

  • Lombards convert to Christianity

  • Pope Gregory I sends Augustine to England to convert Anglo-Saxons to Christianity

  • Kubrat is baptiszed in Constantinople

  • King Cerdic becomes the first king of Wessex

  • Lombards Avars, and Slavs all win military victories

  • Clovis becomes a ruler

    Clovis becomes the ruler of Salian Franks at the age of 13 after the death of his father