Kenyan Revolution

By jtao1
  • KAU is formed

    The Kenyan African Union is formed
  • Britain declares state of emergency

    Britain begins the fight against 20,000 Mau Mau soldiers
  • Mau Mau start campaign against British

    A secret Kikuyu group known as the Mau Mau commit acts of violence against white settlers
  • Jomo Kenyatta arrested

    Kenyatta is arrested on charges of directing the Mau Mau uprising
  • Mau Mau fighters attack the Europeans

    The rebels attacked the Naivasha police station, and a nearby detention center, releasing 173 prisoners, many of which were Mau Mau
  • British begin Operation Anvil

    British sweep through Nairobi, detaining all Kikuyu appearing suspicious, and taking them to concentration camps
  • British have displaced over 1 million Kikuyu

    These people were relocated to British constructed "villages" which consisted of simple fenced camps
  • British begin to search the forests for Mau Mau

    The British swept through the forest in an attempt to destroy the already weakened forces
  • Mau Mau forces diminished

    The rebels had only around 1500 troops remaining and able to fight
  • Mau Mau Rebellion put down

    The years long uprising was eliminated by the British Government
  • British troops leave Kenya

    With the revolution neutralized, Britain brought its soldiers back to their homeland
  • Britain ends state of emergency

    Plans are announced to put Kenya under majority African rule
  • Jomo Kenyatta freed

    Jomo Kenyatta is released from 2 years of house arrest
  • Kenya gains independence

    Jomo Kenyatta becomes the president of the new independent Kenyan state
  • Republic of Kenya formed

    Kenyatta was president, with Oginga Odinga as vice president