kentucky frontier history

  • charles de longueulils discovery of big bone lick

    Charles Le Moyne, the second Baron de Longueuil, while commanding a French Canadian military expedition out of Canada against the Chickasaw Indians in the Mississippi River Valley ( who were hostile to the French and interfering with the communications between the French occupied Louisiana and Canada), is credited with the ‘discovery’ of Big Bone Lick by a white European.
  • Period: to

    kentucky frontier history

  • dr. thomas walkers exploration through the cumberland gap

    Although John Salling and Alexander Maginty, prisoners of the Indians were in the region before Walker's tour, his Journal kept in 1750 marks him as the first white man to make an organized and recorded expedition beyond the mountains.
  • christopher gists exploration of ohio river

    During the winter of 1751-1752, Gist returned to the Ohio Country and explored much of modern-day West Virginia.
  • french & indian war

    The French and Indian War, a colonial extension of the Seven Years War that ravaged Europe from 1756 to 1763, was the bloodiest American war in the 18th century. It took more lives than the American Revolution, involved people on three continents, including the Caribbean. The war was the product of an imperial struggle, a clash between the French and English over colonial territory and wealth. Within these global forces, the war can also be seen as a product of the localized rivalry between Brit
  • daniel boones first exploration of kentucky

    With the British victorious in both, settlers soon began to enter Kentucky. They came in defiance of a royal proclamation of 1763, which forbade settlement west of the Appalachians. Daniel Boone, the famous American frontiersman, first came to Kentucky in 1767; he returned in 1769 and spent two years in the area.
  • james harrod constructs first permanent settlement

    He and a band of almost forty men founded the first settlement in Kentucky on June 16, 1774, although it had to be abandoned the same year.
  • lord dunmores war

    was a 1774 conflict between the Colony of Virginia and the Shawnee and Mingo American Indian nations. The Governor of Virginia during the conflict was John Murray, 4th Earl of Dunmore — Lord Dunmore. He asked the Virginia House of Burgesses to declare a state of war with the hostile Indian nations and order up an elite volunteer militia force for the campaign.
  • sycamore shoals (richard henderson)

    In 1775, a treaty was held between the Cherokee and a delegation of the Transylvania Company, headed by Richard Henderson. Under the Treaty of Sycamore Shoals (or the Treaty of Watauga) the Transylvania Company purchased a vast amount of land from the Cherokees, including most of present-day Kentucky and part of Tennessee.
  • boone builds wilderness trail and establishes fort boonesborough

    Richard Henderson, founder of the Transylvania Company in 1775, chose Daniel Boone to head a party of 31 axe men to clear a path through the Cumberland Gap that would run from Long Island of the Holston River, Tennessee, to Otter Creek of the Kentucky River.
  • formation of kentucky county

    Kentucky County was formed by the Commonwealth of Virginia by dividing Fincastle County into three new counties: Kentucky, Washington, and Montgomery, effective December 31, 1776.
  • siege of ft. boonesborough

    The Siege of Boonesborough took place in September 1778 during the American Revolutionary War. The attack on the Kentucky settlement of Boonesborough was led by Chief Blackfish, a Shawnee leader allied to the British.
  • battle at blue licks

    battle at blue licks
    Although the main British army under Lord Cornwallis had surrendered at Yorktown in October 1781, virtually ending the war in the east, fighting on the western frontier continued. Aided by the British garrison at Fort Detroit, American Indians north of the Ohio River redoubled their efforts to drive the American settlers out of western Virginia (now Kentucky and West Virginia).
  • first commercial distillery opened

    first commercial distillery opened
    Etymology of the word 'Whiskey'
    As one might expect, the history of Bourbon Whiskey is a little sketchy and hazy due to the nature of the subject matter.
  • state conventions held to separate ky from va

    state conventions held to separate ky from va
    The outcome was that a call was issued for a convention which assembled at Danville on December 27, 1784. Members were elected from the different military districts as they had been in Arthur Campbell's meetings in Southwest Virginia.
  • kentucky becomes 15 state

    kentucky becomes 15 state
    Originally a part of Virginia, in 1792 Kentucky became the 15th state to join the Union. Kentucky is the 37th most extensive and the 26th most populous of the 50 United States.
  • battle at fallen timbers

    battle at fallen timbers
    The Battle of Fallen Timbers (August 20, 1794) was the final battle of the Northwest Indian War, a struggle between American Indian tribes affiliated with the Western Confederacy against the United States for control of the Northwest Territory.
  • wilderness road opened for wagon

    wilderness road opened for wagon
    In 1792, the new Kentucky legislature provided money to upgrade the road. In 1796, an improved all-weather road was opened for wagon and carriage travel. The road was abandoned around 1840, although modern highways follow much of its route.
  • kentucky resolution

    kentucky resolution
    The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions (or Resolves) were political statements drafted in 1798 and 1799, in which the Kentucky and Virginia legislatures took the position that the federal Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional.