Kennedy Knopes

  • Favorite Children's Book

    Favorite Children's Book
    Between and ages of five and six I loved the book One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish. I would have my mom read it to me all day every day; I would even learn to read it myself. I don’t know why I liked it so much but I did and I would carry it around with me everywhere I went.
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    My grandma has a huge stack of books on here coffee table but I never see, or hear, of her reading them. I know she likes to read the newspaper and she is always looking up new movies that are coming out in the theatre and looking up the times they are showing. She is always looking at store deals in their magazines to see what things she can buy; she never needs anything new though.
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    No Teacher For Me

    When I was little I never played teacher; it was always house or I would pretend I was a princess and my dog was a horse. I played things like veterinarian and sometimes I would even pretend I was a dog, but never teacher.
  • Lead Role

    Lead Role
    When I was in kindergarten we had a play at school and I had the lead role as the littlest Christmas tree. I had to sing a solo and had one of the longest lines and I remembered all the words. I never used to get stage fright and I liked talking in front of a crowd, but now I can’t even talk in front of like three people.
  • Movies over Books

    Ever since I can remember I have always liked movies over their books. I connect more when watching movies then reading the boring books. I have tried picking up the books after, or before, I watch the movies and I just get bored and do not see how people like books more.
  • Oops

    In fifth grade, we were supposed to read every night for a half hour and then write a summary about what we read. After that our parents had to sign a sheet saying that we did our homework. My mom would sign my sheet and never make me read so I got away with a good grade without any reading.

    When I was in sixth grade I decided to make a Facebook without my mom's permission; I don't know why she was so against it but she was. She eventually found out and told me I had to be her friend on there to keep it. One day I deleted her; because who wants to be friends with their mom in middle school, that’s not cool. When she found out that I deleted her she was not too happy and freaked out.
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    My mom, dad, grandmas, grandmas, or brother went to college. My mom tells me everyday that is a good idea to and pushed me everyday. My dad tells me constantly that he should of went to school because now days
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    Me 'trying' to Write

    When I must write a paper I typically wait till last minute, just like most people. I like to do little by little over a period of time because it gives me time to think about ideas when writing a paper. If I do it the night before or right when it is assigned, I just sit there for hours because I do not even know where to start.
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    The only time I read

    I am not a reader of the newspapers but if I happen to be on Facebook and see an interesting article I will usually give it a read. Many of the articles I read are about bad things that are happening around the world, because that is what mainly goes on. I also read the ones that talk about animals or human societies when they talk about the animals they have of have saved.
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    My mom says she likes books but can never stayed interested long enough to finish a whole book. Over the last year or so, she has bought some books to deal with alcoholics and some about divorce and how do to get through losing a loved one. I would say that going through a bad time encourages her to read more.
  • Junior Year

    I hate reading; probably never finished a whole book in my life. My junior year, my English teacher would read aloud to us because she knew no one would do it as homework. I enjoyed it and I liked the book a lot; it was called Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. The days she did not read to us she would give us class time and I actually enjoyed reading it even though I was not a fan or reading.
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    TO DO:

    Lately I have found myself writing down to do lists. I get stressed out when I have a lot to do so writing all of it down relaxes me because I can see everything on paper all at one time. I was never the type of person to write things down or all through school I never wrote down homework I needed to do, I just always knew and remembered.
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    Cereal Boxes

    Some mornings when I am eating my cereal I find myself looking at the back of the cereal box and doing the crosswords, trying to find the certain items, or just reading the little jokes they have on there. I never remember reading or doing that when I was a kid but I do it more now.
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    Creative Writting

    Senior year, I took creative writing. I only liked it because we basically got to write whatever we wanted. There was no outline or nothing specific it was just a bunch of BS. It was extremely easy and easy to pass the class. I like writing when I can just write and not have to worry about it being good or organized or harshly graded.
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    Pin It

    Over the past year, I have gotten into Pinterest. I am always reading new recipes to try and look up different hair colors or styles and tattoo ideas. Recently I made these dill and ranch oyster crackers and backed them and they are amazing. I am always on their reading many different things every day.
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    Just the Click of a Button

    Amazon is the greatest thing to ever be invented. I am on there probably almost every day to see what they have; half the time I do not need anything but everything is so cheap and I don't even have to do to the store to get it is just shows up at my door. I am always reading the reviews and if it is clothes or shoes I must read the size charts just to make sure I am getting the right thing. I have probably read the return policies a million times too.
  • Love Letter

    My boyfriend, of two years now, works the night shift at Stoughton Trailers in Stoughton from four-thirty at night until between three and four in the morning so I really do not get to see him much during the week. Some nights I like to spoil him with some candy or some treats, chocolate covered strawberries, and I will also write him little notes just to remind him that I miss him and think about him even when I do not always get to see him.
  • Great Grandma

    Recently I learned that my great grandmother would write letters everyday to her friends because she wasn't a technology person. She would write little notes or letters and save some in Ziploc baggies so if she passed away those baggies would go to the friends or family that she wrote them for. She was always preparing for death.
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    To Be Honest

    To be honest, doing little writing like this and little stories is not that bad. I really do not like writing r reading, but this year it has not been that awful doing the homework or papers that we have been assigned. I wouldn’t say this is fun, but I am not saying I hated it completely.