
By Krondle
  • Our Declaration of Independence

    Our Declaration of Independence was signed on July 22nd 1985 by Kelsey Henderson. This is the base of starting Kelsocracy and declaring independence from the United States.
  • Adoption of Separation of Powers

    This is the point in time when the idea of the Separation of Powers was adopted into the democratic republic.
  • Election of Kelsey Henderson

    Kelsey Henderson was elected in on September 8th, 1996. She believed heavily in citizen participation, freedom of speech and equality.
  • No Discrimination Tolerance Amendment #8

    This amendment was passed in efforts to preventing any type of Government to deny a citizen the right to vode based on their color, race or religion.
  • Kelsey's Famous Speech

    This speech put in a huge political impact of citizen participation within federal and state government. The words inspired many to put forth their freedom of speech and become more involved throughout the government.