CORE founded
Civil Rights:The rights of that all Americans should have.
-It was founded by a group of students in Chicago
-CORE was committed to nonviolence -
Jackie Robinson Hired by the Dodgers
-Color line:A theoretical line separated whites from nonwhites.
-Robinson was the first to break the color line in the baseball world
- Robinson lead the Dodgers to 6 league championships and one world series win. -
Executive Order 9981
segregation:Thinking of someone or something as inferior to yourself
-The order made it so that people in the military everyone should have the same treatment no matter their race
- This order also made it so that religion and nationality couldn't be held against you in the army either. -
Advocate for Black Nationalism
Malcolm X: A former convict that was taught about the teachings of Elijah Muhammad, the leader of the Nation of Islam
Nation of Islam: Black Muslims
-Malcolm X was named Malcolm Little by his former slave owner so he changed his name to Malcolm X because he didn't know his last name
-Malcolm X rejected the nonviolence tactic as long as it was only taught in black communities -
Brown vs Board of Education Ruling
-Thurgood Marshall:He became the head of NAACP
-12 Black parents gathered to get their kids into an all white school because it was closer
-For their case they used the doll test. The doll test was they showed 16 black kids a white and brown doll. 10 out of 16 thought that the white doll was the nice one. -
Montgomery Bus Boycott
-Rosa Parks:Rosa Parks was arrested for not giving up her seat to a white man on the bus
-26 year old Martian Luther King Jr. was chosen to lead the bus boycott
-People made up carpools to get where they needed to go instead of taking buses -
Integration of Central High School
Little Rock 9:9 African American teenagers that went to the Central High School in little rock
-These 9 African American teenagers attended Central High School with 2000 white students
- The mayor of Little Rock said that he wouldn't support desegregation in his city -
First Lunch Counter Sit-In
Jim Crow Laws:Were laws that enforce racist laws
Sit-In:An event when African Americans sit in a public place and cause a business to lose costumers
-African Americans would sit in places and try to order from the restaurants but restaurants refused but they blacks would stay there anyway
-Eventually the restaurants finally gave in and served the African Americans -
Freedom Rides
-Civil disobedience: A peaceful protest against something the protester disagrees with.
-Congress of Racial Equality was involved with organizing these freedom rides
-In Alabama a white mob attack the Freedom Riders and burned their bus -
March on Washington
NAACP:Stands for National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. They focused on getting more rights for colored people
-Over 250,000 people participated in the March on Washington. Over 60.000 of these people were whites.
-Jackie Robinson and Rosa Parks were some of the crowd on the march -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Plessy vs Ferguson:In this case a 7/8 European and 1/8 black man sat in a white only car and was arrested
-The president tried to get a bill passed that would ban discrimination based on sex, religion, or race.
-The bill was stuck in the senate for while but was eventually passed and this was the most important bill since Reconstruction. -
Voting Rights Act of 1965
-Disenfranchise:Not allowing people to vote
-Congress passed the Voting Act of 1965
-African Americans could now vote with the new act in place -
Watts Riots
Kerner Commission: The national commission of civil disorders. They thought that the Watt Riots were caused by white racism
Ghettos: A part of the city where only one race lives
-These violent riots lasted for 6 days causing over 45 million dollars in damages
- Many other riots happened over the next year in many other cities such as Detroit Michigan. -
Black Panther Party Founded
Black power: This signified African American political and economic power
-Bobby Seale and Huey Newton founded the Black Panther Party to help African Americans get freedom
-The Black Panther Party was called that because the black Panther in attacked wouldn't give in and this is the symbol that they wanted to sent a message -
Civil Rights Act of 1968
Discrimination: Categorizing people by the color of their skin and treating them differently
-Civil Rights Act of 1968 banned discrimination in sales, retail, and the housing market.
-This act made it so that African American people couldn't be charged more for houses or in any shops -
Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenberg Board of Education
-The judge wanted the school district to integrate black students into all white schools by busing them out of the district they were assigned to by where they live
- The decision was controversial because the parents agreed that the schools should be integrated but also that their child should be close to home -
Regents of the Univeristy of California v. Bakke
Affirmative Action: An action liked by those that suffer from discrimination
-Bakke was rejected from medical school because the university wanted to accept more minorities and have a more diverse student body
-Bakke sued the university for reverse discrimination -
Birmingham Campaign
SCLC:It is an African American civil rights organization that is closely related to MLK Jr.
-King wrote a letter from the Birmingham jail in response to an ad that told African Americans that they should just stop the protests
-The letter explained why the African Americans were using tactics such as civil disobedience