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  • U.S. Declares War on Japan

  • Coral Sea

    Coral Sea
    -The fighting was done in the air.
    -The Americans and the Australians succeeded in stopping the Japanese drive towards Australia.
    -First time since Pearl Harbor that a Japanese invasion has been stopped.
  • Midway

    -Japan's next target was Midway (Island which lies north-west of Hawaii).
    -Americans broke the Japanese code and Admiral Chester Nimitz moved to defend the island.
    -Nimitz's scout planes found the Japanese fleet and sent torpedo planes/dive bombers which were able to sink four Japanese carriers.
    -This stopped the invasion of the islands and became a turning point in the war.
  • Guadalcanal

    -19,000 Allied troops stormed Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands using the island-hopping method.
    -When Japan abandoned Guadalcanal six months later on February 9, 1943, they called it the Island of Death.
    -Guadalcanal marked the first defeat on land for Japan.
  • Battle of the Philippine Sea

    Battle of the Philippine Sea
    -The last great carrier battle of World War Two between the United States and Japan.
    -It took place during the United States' invasion of the Mariana Islands (Great Marianas Turkey Shoot).
    -Ended on June 20, 1944 and resulted in the elimination of Japan's Imperial Navy's ability to play a role in large-scale aircraft operations.
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    -Conference held from February 4-11 between the Big Three
    -The Conference was held at the Black Sea resort city of Yalta in the Soviet Union.
    -The three leaders agreed to demand Germany's surrender and began plans for a post-war world.
    -They all agreed to a temporary division of Germany into four zones, Stalin agreed to join in the war against Japan, and Stalin also agreed to participate in an international conference.
  • Iwo Jima

    Iwo Jima
    -After taking much of the Philippines, the United States wanted Iwo Jima for a B-29 airfield.
    -One of the bloodiest battles where the United States captured the island from the Japanese Imperial Army on March 26, 1945 and raised a flag on Mt. Suribachi.
    -Moved America closer to a final assault on Japan.
  • Okinawa

    -In April 1945, U.S. Marines invaded Okinawa.
    -The Japanese unleashed more than 1,900 kamikaze attacks on the Allies, sinking 30 ships and killing almost 5,000 seamen.
    -By June 22, 1945, more than 7,600 Americans and 110,00 Japanese had died.
    -The battle gave the Allies a taste of what the invasion of Japan's home islands would be like.
  • Hiroshima

    -On this date, a B-29 bomber named Enola Gay released an atomic bomb code-named "Little Boy" over Hiroshima which was an important Japanese military center.
    -43 seconds later, most of the buildings collapsed into dust.
    -Japan's leaders did not surrender to the Allies.
  • Nagasaki

    -Just three days after the bombings of Hiroshima, the Allies dropped a second atomic bomb code-named "Fat Man" using a B-29 bomber named Bockscar on Nagasaki.
    -By the end of the year, about 200,000 Japanese people had died from injuries and radiation poisoning caused by the atomic blasts.
    -This pushed Emperor Hirohito to surrender to the Allies.
  • V-J Day

    -On this day, Japan surrendered to the Allies.