Ordanairy World
Katniss lives in District 12 and every thing is normal
Watched at all times by presi and peace keepers
http://thehungergames.wikia.com/wiki/File:The-hunger-games--district-12-logo-on-fire.jpg -
Call To Adventure
Prim is called to be in the Hunger Games. Katniss then voulenteers as tribute for her sister, so she won't die.
http://thehungergames.wikia.com/wiki/Reaping_Balls?file=Effie-Reaping-Bowl-The-Hunger-Games.jpg -
Meeting The Mentor
Katniss' mentor is Haymitch and Effie. Haymitch drinks too much, and Effie is a fashionista. Haymitch won the Hunger Games one year and is now Katniss' mentor. http://thehungergames.wikia.com/wiki/Effie_Trinket -
Crossing The Threshold
Katniss crossed the threshold when she and Peeta got on the train to go to the Hunger Games parade. http://www.bullfax.com/?q=node-katniss-goes-war-new-hunger-games-catching-fire-trailer -
Tests, Allies, Enimies
In the parade, she became an imeadiate favorite. She began to try to get to know some of the other District teams as allies. She also took a test, when she was to show her skills. She missid the target with her arrow and everyone laughed and ignored her. But she aimed and fired right in the middle of an apple in a pig's mouth and left everyone astonished.
http://screenrant.com/the-hunger-games-movie-image-lionsgate-profits-kofi-139336/the-hunger-games-katniss-shooting-bow/ -
When Katniss approaches in th Hunger Games, she runs for cover and she figures out Peeta has gotten a team together to kill her. She turns around and kills most of them, except Peeta. When she killed one of the girls, she stole the bow & arrow from her, giving herself an advantedge in the games.
https://thehungergames2012.wordpress.com/category/movies/photo-movies/page/9/ -
Ordeal, Death, & Rebirth
At the end of the games, Katniss and Peeta can not due their selves appart and plan to eat poisin berries at the same time so that there would not be a winner. As they are getting reading to eat the berries, an announcer comes on and says that there will be two winners of the Hunger Games.http://thehungergames.wikia.com/wiki/The_Hunger_Games_(film) -
Reward, Seizing The Sword
Katniss' reward is when she wins. She gets to see her family again and be alive, unlike all of the other people.
http://www.comicsonline.com/2013/11/movie-review-the-hunger-games-catching-fire/ -
The Road Back
On her road back, Katniss sad and mad with herself because she just realized that she was the cause of many people's death and more to come. http://www.metacritic.com/movie/the-hunger-games-mockingjay---part-1 -
Katniss soon was in a new world. Every thing was different. She didn't like it as much as her old one. She was always being watched by the president or by another person she didn't particually like. http://www.moviecasefiles.com/hunger-games-catching-fire-2013-movie-review/ -
Return With Elixer
Katniss returns with a new life for her and her family. This new life gives them everything they’ll ever need or want in life. This is something Katniss has always wanted for her family.http://thehungergames.wikia.com/wiki/Primrose_Everdeen