Civil war 1

Katie Tarter Civil War timeline

By TarterK
  • Henry Repeating Rifle introduced

    Henry Repeating Rifle introduced
    The Henry repeating rifle was an improved version of the earlier Volition Repeating rifle. This rifle would be used in the Civil War.
  • Period: to

    Civil War timeline

    Civil War timeline
  • The Louisiana State Seminary is established

    The Louisiana State Seminary is established
    The Louisana State Seminary is established at Pineville. William Sherman is the superintendent. It later becomes LSU.
  • Lincoln’s speech

    Lincoln’s speech
    Lincoln, a lawyer at the time gave a speech in NYC against slavery and overnight became a canidate for president.
  • The Pony Express Begins

    The Pony Express Begins
    The first pony express trip left Sacramento, California and arrived 10 days later in St.Joesph, Missouri.
  • Nomination for President

    Nomination for President
    Republician party nominates Lincoln for President.
  • National Democratic convention

    National Democratic convention
    Southern delegates hold a National Democratic convention in Richmond.
  • Southern Democrats hold a convention

    Southern Democrats hold a convention
    Southern Democrats hold a convention in Richmond where they select John C. Breckinridge as their nominee for President
  • Lincoln won the Presidency

    Lincoln won the Presidency
    Abraham Lincoln became the first Republican to win the presidency. He had 40% of the popular vote. Many southern states did secede from the union because they were afraid if Lincoln did become president that he would end slavery.
  • South Carolina secedes

    South Carolina secedes
    South Carolina was the first southern state to secede from the union.
  • Secession Convention

    Secession Convention
    First secession convention meets in Columbia, SC.
  • Mississippi secedes from Union

    Mississippi secedes from Union
    Mississippi secedes from Union following South Carolina.
  • Florida secedes too

    Florida secedes too
    Flordia secedes from the union following Mississippi.
  • Texas secedes from Union

    Texas secedes from Union
    Texas secedes from Union
  • Formation of the Confederate States

    Formation of the Confederate States
    Delegates from sucession states went to Montgomery, Alabama to form the Confederate States of America
  • Abraham Lincoln is inaugurated

    Abraham Lincoln is inaugurated
    Abraham Lincoln is officially sworn in as the 16th president of the U.S. He would serve one full term.
  • War is declared

    War is declared
    Confederate States shot first at Fort Sumter causing war.
  • Virginia secedes

    Virginia secedes
    Virginia secedes from the union following Arkansas.
  • Arkansas secedes from the union

    Arkansas secedes from the union
    Arkansas secedes from the union following North Carliona.
  • North Carolina secedes

    North Carolina secedes
    North Carolina secedes from the Union following Tenessee.
  • Tennessee secedes too

    Tennessee secedes too
    Tenessee secedes too following North Carliona
  • Invasion in Tennessee

    Invasion in Tennessee
    General U.S. Grant invades Western Tenessee.
  • Surrender of Fort Henry

    Surrender of Fort Henry
    Surrender of Fort Henry, Tenessee. This allowed the Union to control the river.
  • President of the Confederate States

    President of the Confederate States
    Jefferson Davis is the President of the Confederate States of America. Southern states that seceded wanted him to protect their way of life.
  • Virgina attacked union

    Virgina attacked union
    Virgina attacked 3 union wooden ships and sunk 3 of them
  • First major battle in Tennessee

    First major battle in Tennessee
    The first major battle in Tennesee was known as the battle of Shiloh. General Johnston (confederate) is killed on the first day of battle. The union won this battle.
  • First battle of Winchester Virginia.

    First battle of Winchester Virginia.
    Confederate forces attack Union forces at Virginia and forces them into the city.
  • Seven Day's Battle begins

    Seven Day's Battle begins
    The Seven Days Battle had six major battles over a span of seven days. It took place near Richmond, Virgina.
  • The second Battle of Bull Run

    The second Battle of Bull Run
    This battle is fought on the same ground as the first battle of Bull Run. The union army was defeated
  • The Battle of Antietam.

    The Battle of Antietam.
    General Lee (confederate) was stopped from entering the north due to the Union army.
  • Union tired to capture Confederate territory.

    Union tired to capture Confederate territory.
    Union tried to capture Marye's Heights (Confederate territory) under General Lee's direction.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    The Emancipation Proclamation was an order given by Lincoln. The emancipation Proclamation helped free slaves in the south and allowed free blacks to enlist in the army.
  • Battle of Stones River ends

    Battle of Stones River ends
    The Battle of Stones River in Tenessee began on Dec 31, 1862-Jan 3, 1863. The Union victory freed middle Tenessee from Confederate rule.
  • The Gettysburg Campagin

    The Gettysburg Campagin
    The Gettysburg Campagin was a confederate miltary invasion of Pennsylvia.
  • Battle of Gettysburg ends

    Battle of Gettysburg ends
    It was the 3rd day of battle between Lee and Meade's troops when the Battle of Gettysburg ended.
  • Draft riots begin in NYC.

    Draft riots begin in NYC.
    Workers were very angry about the draft system which favored the rich. The workers did attack the draft office and the riots continued to July 16.
  • The Battle of Chickamauga.

    The Battle of Chickamauga.
    The Battle of Chickamauga took place in Georgia. It was a Confederate victory.
  • Lincoln gave the Gettysburg address

    Lincoln gave the Gettysburg address
    The Battle of Gettysburg was one of the bloodiest battles. Lincoln gave a speech known as the Gettysburg Address. He addressed the lives of fallen soldiers even soldiers who were apart of the Confederte States.
  • The Battle of Missionary Ridge

    The Battle of Missionary Ridge
    The Battle of Missionary Ridge is a part of the Battles of Chattanooga. The Union forced Confederate trrops into Tenessee.
  • The Mine Run Campaign

    The Mine Run Campaign
    The Mine Run Campaign was an unsuccessful attempt made by the Union to defeat the Confederate Army of Virginia.
  • Lincoln issues Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction

    Lincoln issues Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction
    The Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction would pardon those who participated in the rebellion if they took an oath to the union.
  • Escape from Libby Prison

    Escape from Libby Prison
    109 Union officers made their escape from Libby prison. It was the largest escape of the war. 48 of the escapees were later recaptured, but 59 were able to make their way to the Union lines.
  • Camp Sumter prison opens

    Camp Sumter prison opens
    Camp Sumter Prison opens in Georiga. It was referred to as Andersonville Prison Camp and it was known for it’s overcrowded conditions and high death rate among inmates.
  • Grant is appointed lieutenant general

    Grant is appointed lieutenant general
    Ulysses S. Grant is appointed lieutenant general. This rank was requested by Lincoln. Grant assumed command of all Union Armies in the following day
  • The Red River Campaign

    The Red River Campaign
    It was a Union strategy to get into the Confederacy. General Banks had a combined force of army and navy commands and he began a campaign on Red River, Louisana.
  • Battle of Pleasant Hill

    Battle of Pleasant Hill
    The Battle of Pleasant Hill took place in Louisana. The Union army wanted to drive the Confederates out of Louisana. The Union army was unsuccessful.
  • Lincoln nominated again

    Lincoln nominated again
    Lincoln is nominated by his party for second term as President.
  • Battle of Monocacy

    Battle of Monocacy
    The Battle was a Union defeat. It was known for “the battle that saved Washington”. This battle did succeed in holding back Early’s march until troops could be sent to Capital’s defense.
  • Battle of Fisher's Hill

    Battle of Fisher's Hill
    The Battle of Fisher’s Hill was in Virgina. The Union Army attacked the Confederates near Fisher’s Hill. The Union Army forced the Confederates to leave the battlefield. This was the final battle Shenandoah Valley.
  • Abraham Lincoln reelected

    Abraham Lincoln reelected
    Lincoln is reelected for a second term as President. He had more than 400,000 popular votes.
  • Capture of Fort Fisher

    Capture of Fort Fisher
    Capture of Fort Fisher in North Carolina. The Union occupied this last Southern port on the east cost.
  • Lincoln inaugurated again

    Lincoln inaugurated again
    Lincoln is inaugurated again for his second term as president.
  • Attack on Fort Stedman, Petersburg. Virginia

    Attack on Fort Stedman, Petersburg. Virginia
    An attack on Fort Stedman, Petersburg. Virginia
    Confederate troops attacks and captures the Union fort in Petersburg. It was also known as the Battle of Hare’s Hill.
  • The Battle of Five Forks

    The Battle of Five Forks
    The Battle of Five Forks is a confederate defeat. General Lee decided to abandon the Richmond-Petersburg siege lines.
  • Battle and surrender of Appomattox Court house

    Battle and surrender of Appomattox Court house
    Confederate forces tried to break through Union forces blocking a route to Dansville, Virgina. General Lee and General Grant meet and discuss terms of surrender. General Lee does surrender.
  • Lincoln is assassinated

    Lincoln is assassinated
    Lincoln and his wife attend Ford’s theatre and Lincoln is shot by John Wilkes Booth
  • General Johnston surrenders

    General Johnston surrenders
    General Joseph Johnston signs the surrender document for the Confederate Army of Tennessee and southern troops attached to his command.
  • General Taylor surrenders

    General Taylor surrenders
    General Richard Taylor surrenders Confederate forces in Alabama, Mississippi and East Louisiana.
  • President Jefferson Davis captured

    President Jefferson Davis captured
    Confederate President Jefferson Davis is captured near Irwinville, Georgia.
  • Civil War is over!

    Civil War is over!
    War offically ends. The Civil war ends on June 2 because the general of Mississippi had to agree to the terms. He was the last general to offically agree to the terms.
  • Texas repeals

    Texas repeals
    Texas repeals the actions of the secessionist movement
  • President Johnson vetos Civil Rights Act of 1866

    President Johnson vetos Civil Rights Act of 1866
    President Johnson vetos the Civil Rights Act of 1866 on the grounds that it was unconstitutional.
  • The U.S. declares a state of peace

    The U.S. declares a state of peace
    The U.S. declares a state of peace exists with Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia
  • Congress overrides veto

    Congress overrides veto
    Congress overrides President Andrew Johnson's veto of the Civil Rights Act of 1866.
  • Fourteenth Amendment approved

    Fourteenth Amendment approved
    Congress approves the fourteenth ammendment to the constitution
  • A proclamation of peace

    A proclamation of peace
    A proclamation of peace with Texas is issued by President Andrew Johnson
  • Fourteenth Amendment

    Fourteenth Amendment
    Georiga rejects Fourteenth amendment
  • Fourteenth Amendment

    Fourteenth Amendment
    North Carliona rejects Fourteenth amendment
  • Fire in Philadelphia shipyard

    Fire in Philadelphia shipyard
    A fire in Philadelpha shipyard destroys a number of ships used during the Civil War
  • The Fourteenth amendment

    The Fourteenth amendment
    South Carolina rejects Fourteenth amendment
  • Fourteenth Amendment

    Fourteenth Amendment
    Kentucky rejects the fourteenth Amendment
  • Fourteenth Amendment

    Fourteenth Amendment
    Virgina rejects the Fourteenth amendment.
  • Fourteenth Amendment

    Fourteenth Amendment
    Indiana ratifies the Fourteenth Amendment
  • Fourteenth Amendment

    Fourteenth Amendment
    Louisiana rejects the fourteenth Amendment
  • Fourteenth Amendment

    Fourteenth Amendment
    Delaware rejects the Fourteenth Amendment
  • Nebraska

    Nebraska becomes a state.
  • Tenure of Office Act

    Tenure of Office Act
    Congress passes the Tenure of Office Act, denying the right of the President to remove officials who had been appointed with the consent of Congress
  • 5th Military district

    5th Military district
    General Philip Sheridan assumes command of the 5th Military district surrounded by Louisiana and Texas
  • Seward's Folly

    Seward's Folly
    William P. Seward signs a treaty with Russia buying Alaska for 2 cents an acre. It was known as Seward's Folly.
  • Seceded states join the Union

    Seceded states join the Union
    Congress passes a bill admitting Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina, and South Carolina into the Union. Virginia, Mississippi, and Texas, having refused to ratify the fourteenth amendment, were refused admission into the Union