
Karl Popper

  • Birth of Karl Popper

    Vienna, Austria
  • Indeterminism in Quantum Physics and in Classical Physics

    Karl Popper Indeterminism in Quantum Physics and in Classical Physics was a journal published to The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. It explains that even with a calculator that accurately predicts outcome of events, it is still impossible to predict the future.
  • Karl Popper`s ideology of Falsification

    Karl Popper`s ideology of Falsification
    Karl Popper`s theory of Falsification is a principle for theories. If the theory can`t be falsified or can`t be disproven or questioned, then it is no longer a theory and doesn`t contribute to science. It determines the difference from science and non-science from his book The Logic of Scientific Discovery
  • Downfall of Logical Empiricism

    Karl Popper introduced the process of falsification which led to the downfall of logical empiricism. One of the views of logical empiricism is that scientific language can ultimately only describe patterns through observation, meaning seeing is believing. Popper’s falsification goes beyond what we know to be true and includes constant questioning in the philosophies of science.
  • Karl Popper`s Three Worlds

    Karl Popper`s Three Worlds
    Karl Popper’s Three Worlds was introduced in his book Objective Knowledge and one of the concepts in it was the three world ideology. The first world is the physical plane and the second world is of a person`s belief. Finally, the third world is “the products of the human mind.” (Firestone 2008)
  • Karl Popper`s death

    This video summarizes the accomplishments of Karl Popper