What’s to Love About Popper
Karl Poppers key to success was hard work, he had tremendous support from his wife Josephine Henninger. Both of them decided not to have children so they could focus more on their work! Popper had a brilliant mind, he lived in Vienna in the 20th century. He witnessed the rise of Marxism & Fascism, volunteered in the Adlers Clinic, heard Einstein speak on the theory of relativity, & even had degrees in Philosophy, music, math, & physics. -
Introduction to Falsifiability
Sir Karl Popper published his first major work in science in 1935, later publishing in English in 1959 calling it “The Logic of Scientific Discovery”. This book talks about the Falsification Principle, which is the way scientist/ philosophers demarcate science from non-science. It gives the statement that, for a theory to be scientific if must be able to be tested and proven false. -
“The Open Society and Its Enemies”
A book published by Karl Popper in 1945 about the first sets out, briefly, what may be called the classical theory of democracy: the theory of the rule of the people. The second is a brief sketch of my more realistic theory. The third is, in the main, an outline of some practical applications of my theory, in reply to the question: “What practical difference does this new theory make?” -