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Karen's Timeline

  • ACHIEVE IT: Industry vs. Inferiority

    ACHIEVE IT: Industry vs. Inferiority
    Karen (age 12) Joined Volleyball at school because her sister won a trophy two year's in a row and Karen wanted to have a trophy of her own. In Erikson's fourth stage Industry vs. Inferiority, sense of pride and accomplishments are developed effecting there skills. - those encouraged develop competence, while those who are discouraged experience inferiority.
  • WHO AM I: Identity vs. Role confusion

    WHO AM I: Identity vs. Role confusion
    Karen (age 18) went to college because she made the decision to start a career doing something she loved directly after high school. In Erikson's fifth stage, Identity vs. Role confusion, the crisis is between transitioning from childhood to adulthood, while finding self identity - not letting other's influence you, figuring out what is/isn't socially acceptable.
  • KAREN'S RELATIONSHIP: Intimacy vs. Isolation

    KAREN'S RELATIONSHIP: Intimacy vs. Isolation
    Karen(age 24) started a relationship with Adam because they had a lot in common, wanting to combine their lives together. In Erikson's sixth stage, Intimacy vs. Isolation the crisis is between forming loving relationships or being isolated and alone -failing to form long lasting relationships.