Karen Montgomery Timeline

  • Cellular Phone

    Cellular Phone
    The first cellular phone was invented by Martin Cooper of Motorola in 1973 This invention made it possible for us to communicate with one another while moving around on a radio network. This made communication faster and easier especially for those who are constantly on the mov
  • Home Computers

    Home Computers
    Home computers became available in 1977 but were not commonly used until the 1980's.
  • Nintendo

    The Advanced Video System was released and the game Super Mario Bros, Duck hunt were the first original and so much fun to play.
  • X Box 360

    X Box 360
    The Xbox 360 is an amazing computer/Game console/Media Player is an all-in-one type of system.
  • Smart TV

    Smart TV
    The first Smart TV was in 1994 to a French firm "Fast France Advanced Systems" but not until 2007 was the first smart tv developed.