The Parthian Annals is written
1st century A.D. -
Period: 115 to 125
Parthian war with Ourophores
125-115 B.C. -
Period: 150 to 202
Bronze Han Dynasty vessels arrive in Borotra
150-202 B.C. -
Period: 150 to 202
Approximate time for Level 1 Chara
150-202 B.C. -
Level 1 Borotra
250 +/- 100 B.C. -
Level 1 Arakan
450 +/- 100 B.C. -
Nomadism noted north of Sek Kong Shan
500 B.C. -
Period: to
Level 2 Chara
1650 +/- 170- 4150 +/- 200 B.C. -
Level 2 Borotra
1750 +/- 150 B.C. -
Chinese war with Tai Tai Wan
129 B.C. -
Period: to
Pundit culture flourishes
2050-3050 B.C. -
Level 2 Arakan
2300 +/- 125 B.C. -
Period: to
Level 3 Arakan
5550 +/- 190- 8390 +/- 200 B.C. -
Level 3 Chara
6670 +/- 220 B.C.