Plessy vs. Ferguson
In the year of 1896 one of the most important case rulings dealindg with color happened. This case was Plessy vs Ferguson. This case is important to the civil rights movement because it's what made seggregation legal. -
NAACP founded
FDR bans discrimination in defense industries
CORE founded
An American Dilemma published
Jackie Robinson breaks MLB color barrier
Truman desegregates the miltary
Brown vs. Board of Education
Emmett Till Murdered
Emmett Till was a 14 yr old boy from the north visiting in the south. He was murdered when he was caught "flirting" with a white girl. This relates to the civil rights movement because it was an event that helped trigger the movement. -
Rosa Parks Arrested
Rosa Parks was a very famous Civil Rights activist. The main reason she is so famous is because she refused to give up her bus seat to a white man ona segregated bus. She was a start in the peaceful side of the Civil Rights movement. -
Montgomery Bus Boycott
SCLC founded
Little Rock 9 integrate Central High School
sit-ins start in Greensboro, NC
SNCC founded
Freedom rides
James Meredith integrates Ole Miss
24th Amendment ratified
Medgar Evers assassinated
March on Washington
16th Street Baptist Church Bombed
JFK assassinated
Letter From Birmingham Jail
Freedom Summer murders
Malcolm X assassinated
Malcolm X was also a very famous Civil Rights activist. However, unlike the ways of people like Rosa Parks or Dr. King, Malcolm X was a violent activist. He's important to show that not everybody in the movement was peaceful. -
"Bloody Sunday" in Selms Alabama
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Black Panther Party founded
Dr. Marin Luther King Jr. assassinated
Dr. King is possibly the most famous face and name of the Civil Rights movement. He led many peaceful protests, marches, and speaches. He was very important to the movement because of how peaceful he was through out it. -
RFK assassinated
Tommie Smith & John Carlos protest at summer olympics
Byron de la Beckwith convicted of Medgar Evers murder
Edgar Ray Killen convicted of Freedom Summer murders