Kale B 9

  • 420 BCE


    Democritus claims everything is made up of smallest particles and named then atoms.
  • 400 BCE


    Plato claims that everything is made up of tiny geometrical shapes containing the elements of air, water, earth, and fire.
  • 300 BCE


    Aristotle states everything is made of either water, air, earth, or fire and that a void between atoms could exist.
  • 100


    Alchemists believed that they could make base metal turn into gold using similar substances using the right ratios paving the way for common chemistry.
  • Robert Boyle

    Robert Boyle
    Boyle finds that everything is made of tiny particles and calls them corpuscles. Now known as the atom.
  • John Dalton

    John Dalton
    Dalton makes the Atomic Theory stating that everything is made up of invisible and indestructible small things called atoms.
  • Newland's Law of Octaves

    Newland's Law of Octaves
    Newland claimed that when the elements are arranged in atomic mass order, there will be similarities between the first interval and eighth interval.
  • Mendeleev's pd. table

    Mendeleev's pd. table
    Mendeleev creates the common periodic table.
  • Photoelectric effect

    Photoelectric effect
    Hertz experiments with charged particles on metal plates to find that particles may be electrically charged.
  • Robert Millikan

    Robert Millikan
    Millikan discovers the charge of a single electron.
  • Discovery of radioactivity

    Discovery of radioactivity
    Becquerel discovers radioactivity when experimenting how uranium salts are affected by light.
  • Planck's quantum theory of light

    Planck's quantum theory of light
    Planck states that light is emitted as a continuous wave in packets of energy called photons.
  • Plum pudding model

    Plum pudding model
    Thomson experiments show that all atoms have subatomic particles called electrons with negative charges.
  • Rutherford's gold foil experiment

    Rutherford's gold foil experiment
    Rutherford finds out that atoms are mostly empty space with a positively charged nucleus.
  • Bohr's planetary model

    Bohr's planetary model
    Bohr discovered a model that shows where and how the electrons orbit the nucleus in their circular paths.
  • Mosley's atomic numbers

    Mosley's atomic numbers
    Mosley gave elements all their number that represents their order and the number of positive protons.
  • Discovery of the Proton

    Discovery of the Proton
    Rutherford discovered the proton when he experimented with nitrogen atoms and alpha particles.
  • Schrodinger equation

    Schrodinger equation
    Schrodinger creates a linear equation that shows a wave function of non-realistic quantum-mechanical system.
  • Heisenberg uncertainty principle

    Heisenberg uncertainty principle
    Heisenberg finds that we cannot find the exact speed or position of the photons or electrons. Whenever you get closer to one's answer, you get further from the other answer.
  • Discovery of the neutron

    Discovery of the neutron
    Chadwick uses beryllium and alpha particles to find there is a neutral particle in the atom similar to the proton.