Kaiyas Erikson Timeline

  • Trust Versus Mistrust

    Trust Versus Mistrust
    On March 22 2001 Sophia was born to a big really loving and caring family that always did their best to make sure she had everything she needed. In Eriksons first stage Infants are said to learn if the world is good or bad. If they were loved and taken care of as an infant they see the world as good place where as if they were not taken care of as an infant they begin to mistrust the world around them. Sophia was loved and cared for as an infant so she trusts the world around her to be good.
  • Intimacy vs Isolation

    Intimacy vs Isolation
    On December 4, 2023 Sophia got married to Richie and promised to spend the rest of their lives together and be partners in everything. In the sixth Erikson stage Intimacy vs Isolation Identity vs Isolation people enter into new intimate relationships with people and decide if not they will allow themselves to be vulnerable to maintain an intimate relationship with their others. If they decide not to they will end up being alone unable to form intimate relationships with others.
  • Generativity vs Stagnation

    Generativity vs Stagnation
    On September 14th 2042 Sophia and Richie had their first kid together named Jessie and they were very excited to have started their big family. In the seventh stage of Erikson's theory people begin to care for the next generation and plan for the future. If not they tend to become complacent rather than contributing to others. Sophia and Richie accepted the future and were excited to bring a family into the world and care for them.