Kaitlynn Lloyd Pd 4

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    753 BC: Romulus establishes the city of Rome

    753 BC: Romulus establishes the city of Rome
    in the middle of peninsula, the city of peninsula, the city of Rome grew up. Romulus and Remus are twin brothers who were raised by a she-wolf.
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    Constantine ends all persecution of christians

    Constantine ends all persecution of christians
    When Diolectian remained emperor he remained with the christians but in 305 he quit and his co-emperor retired so that the two Caesars could rise to become the co-emperors at the same time. They stuck with diocletian's policies over society but later on it did not solve the problems of the empire. They only got worse.
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    The last western roman emperor is overthrown

    The last western roman emperor is overthrown
    The western empire lay in shambles. Germanic tribes ruled most of the western provinces, including italy itself. In 476 AD the commander named Odoacer overthrew the last emperor in the west. Many historians considered this the end of the empire.
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    The first Triumvirate

    The first Triumvirate
    The first triumvirate was three meen who took over the roman republic in 60 BC. Crassus was one of the wealthiest people in Rome. They did a lot of stuff in Rome. Eventually Crassus died and Caesar defeated Pompey and took full control of the Republic. The senate declared him to be the dictator for life in 44 BC. On March 15 a group of senators murderd Caesar.
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    The Good Emperors

    The Good Emperors
    In AD 96 there were new emperors on the Roman throne. There were five guys that had rulers governed on Rome for almost a century. They continued opening Roman society by admitting more members into the senate and the imperial administration. Trajan added present day and Hadrian thought the empire had grown too large so he withdrew all the eastern additions and built self defense. Hadrian built a wall 73 miles long in northern Britian.
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    Problems in the Late republic

    Problems in the Late republic
    Rome had no rival anywhere in the Mediterranean world and the Romans soon found out that they had to face all sides by problems. The responsibilities of running their holdings stretched roman political system to its maximum limit. A revolution began in Roman political and the revolution was growing between the classes of Roman society.
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    Jesus of Nazareth

    Jesus of Nazareth
    Jesus of Nazareth was a spiritual leader. The message he taught was to forgive about your sins because a coming event called God's Judgement day. The New testament was the books of the hebrew bible. Jesus was born in the town of bethelehem but grew up in nazareth. Jesus gathered a group of disciples as known as followers. Jesus ended up being crucified and buried and people believe he rose from the dead. He spent 40 days teaching his disciples on Earth.
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    Roman republic begins

    Roman republic begins
    In 509 BC the romans threw out the tyrant which is the last king, in place of the monarchy. The romans established a new type of government.
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    Pax Romana

    Pax Romana
    Pax romana was from 27 BC to 180 AD. Pax Romana was the roman peace, they had several traits such as stable government and a strong legal system. They had a whidespread trade and during the pax romana there were smooth working of the imperial government.
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    Judaism in the Roman world

    Judaism in the Roman world
    63 BC Judea was conquered by Roman armies after many months of battling. The Roman leaders allowed the Jews to keep their religous beliefs as long as they still paid their tribute. The Romans took control of Judea and chose a new king. However, the Jews did not want to have the same religion as the Romans.