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K-12 Public Education Historical Timeline

  • First School In America

    First School In America
    Before1635, many students were educated through homeschooling and tutors. In 1635 The first public secondary school, Boston Latin School, was opened. The same year, The first free school was opened in Virginia.The opening of these schools paved the way for public eduaction in early America.
  • Common School Movement

    Common School Movement
    Horace Mann trailblazed this movement leading to the creation of a Board of Education, implementing tax funded schooling, improved teaching and teacher training and pushing for free non religious, public education for every child. The Common School Movement paved the way for much of the American public education system seen now.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    It was unanimously ruled that racially segragated schools were unconstitutional. Segregation of children by race could cause feelings of inferiority and deprive colored students of the same quality of schooling, and opportunities as the students in the white schools. The Brown v. Board of Education ruling desegregated schools, allowing the opportunity for the same quality of schooling for all.
  • Introduction of Eduacation for all Handicapped Children Act

    Introduction of Eduacation for all Handicapped Children Act
    Eduacation for All Handicapped Children Act (Public Law 94-142) was passed in 1975, ensuring people with disabilities have basic educational rights and services availible to them. This public law has been ammended sevral times since 1975 (now known as IDEA) and has opened doors in the education of all handicapped indeviduals, often leading to inclusive classrooms where chilren with dissabilities learn along side their non-disabled peers.
  • Every Student Succeeds Act

    Every Student Succeeds Act
    In 1965 President Johnson signed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, providing funding to states that made sure that schooling was accessible for all children. In 2002, George W Bush signed the No Cild Left Behind Act to build on Johnsons ESSA in attempts of closing the achievment gap. In 2015 Obama signed The Every Student Succeeds Act, aligning with the goals of the previous two acts but cutting the amount of testing time down in attempts to meet school and student needs.