The Act of Union
Lord Durham had proposed that Upper Canada and Lower Canada join. In 1840, Lord Sydenham had revealed (declared) the Act of Union. Britain and the Family Compact, did not like what Durham suggested, a responsible government. -
Period: to
1840-167 Canadian Confedaration
Charles Bagot apointed New Governor
Charles Bagot was appointed as Governor byt the crown and to serve for 2 year. -
The Beginning of Cholera
Cholera an infectious and fatal bacteria disease, breakes out. (wasn't sure when the disease broke out.) -
The Ending of Cholera
The ending of Cholera. (wasn't sure when Cholera ended.) -
Nova Scotia: Responsible Gov.
In this year, Nova Scotia became the first colony within the British Empire to bring responsible government to their people. Later, in 1855, responsible government was introduced to the other Atlantic provinces. This was mainly the work of Louis-Hippolyte LaFontaine and Robert Baldwin: the "Fathers of Confederation". -
The Responsible Government
The Responsible Government was finally accomplished in both Canada and Nova Scotia. -
The economy was contributing its transition from pre-industrial to industrial while the polititians were too busy fighting for a responsible government. By the 1840's, both canals and railways were being built to the ground. -
Burning of the Parliament Buildings
English Tory mobs, burns the Parilament Buildning in Montreal. The Tory's were quite upset that Governor General Lord Elgin had signed the Rebellion Losses Bill. -
Legislature Burning
The anglophone conservatives living in Montreal decided to burn down the parliament building after believing the government had confessed to the legitimacy of the earlier uprisings. -
The Fenians Of Canada
Fenians were a verly large group of Irish-Americans who wanted Ireland to be free from Britains Power. They had used Canada as hostiage for a very long time. Between the year 1866 and 1871, they had raided many areas of Canada. (wasn't sure where to put this.) -
Important men
Many people had helped created and build what today is called, "Canada." The top 5 men who contributed and made this nation are, John A McDonald, Thomas D'Arcy McGee, George-Etienne Cartier, Charles Tupper and finally George Brown