
June 17

  • Tornado

    A terrifying tornado raged through Iowa, destroying property, houses, and other buildings. It killed a total of 130 people and injured many more!
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  • Wessel Couziion was Born

    Wessel Couziion was Born
    Wessel Couziion a famous dutch sculptor and cartoonist was born. He lived in New York while he was three. In 1936 he won the Priz de Rome. Later he married the sculptress Pearl Perl-mutter. He died in Haarlem in 1984 at the age of 71.
    Image Attribute-Google Images
  • Most Runs scored in a Inning!

    Most Runs scored in a Inning!
    The Red Sox baseball team set the record for the most runs scored in in an inning. The grand total of runs was 17 helping them get a win that sent the crowd wild.
    Image Attribute-Google Images
  • Wooden Rollar Coaster Opened

    Wooden Rollar Coaster Opened
    In Playland at the Pacific National Exhibition Vancouver, Canada opened. This wooden roller coaster is still alive and working to this day.
    Image Attribute-Google Images
  • 7th World Cup

    7th World Cup
    In Santiago, Brazil the Czechoslovakia men’s soccer team was beaten by the Brazil Soccer Team for the 7th world cup ever.
    Image Attribute-Google Images
  • 18th Space Shuttle Mission Launched

    18th Space Shuttle Mission Launched
    Discovery S launched the 18th Space Shuttle Mission (51-G) into the sky.
    Image Attribute-Google Images
  • Abby's Birthday

    Abby's Birthday
    I was born that day 13 hours after my twin brother.I am now 12 years old and in sixth grade.
    Image Attribute-Wikepedia