jumping to history

  • Period: to

    jumping into history

  • Equal Rights Amendment

    The E.R.A. shaped the future because women could vote on everything men could, and could change whether a bill got passed or not. Also more women work now than before the E.R.A. though it is a huge event in American history, it doesn't effect the rest of the world too much.
    I would want to be there to help women get equal rights because I think everyone deserves equal right no matter what. even though one person probably isn't going to change the outcome of the this event doesn't mean they
  • Equal Rights Amendment

    Equal Rights Amendment
    The Equal Rights Amendment, or E.R.A, was an amendment in the American Constitution in 1970s that makes everyone equal. Some activists were Phyllis Schlafly and Alice Paul.
    Since the E.R.A. passed, women now had quite a bit of political power by voting for what they want. Also women changed America economically because of more jobs opening for women. A lot of women chose to get a job not only for the money but for an opportunity to get out of the house.
  • Equal Rights Amendment

    cant, but it is unlikely. I doubt I would of effect the out come of the E.R.A. but if thousands of people like that join then they would effect the outcome.
  • Apple was founded

    Apple was founded
    In the 1970's Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak changed the world by creating the Apple-1.

    It was the first modern personal computer. It's cost was $666.66.
    It also came with 4K bytes of ram.
    In 2012 an Apple-1 sold for $374,500 due to it's rarity. This product started a whole new "computer" era for generations to come.
    I would have liked to be there while the Apple-1 was being created so I could have saved some to be sold later in the future as a collectors item.
  • Hole In The Ozone Layer

    Hole In The Ozone Layer
    using aerosol sprays before laws were even made to prevent the use of them.
    People aren't as concerned about the ozone because of global warming but they still know about it, and they should. If there were a bad enough hole in the ozone it could cause melanoma, cataracts and famine. the chemicals that caused the hole are called cfc's which were commonly found in ac units, but now they use hcfc's that aren't harmful to the ozone.
    I would want to be there to try and stop the use of cfc's
  • Hole In The Ozone Layer

    The ozone is in the second layer of the atmosphere, the stratosphere. It protects the Earth from the harmful ultra violet rays and radiation from the sun. Then in may of 1985 European scientist found a hole in the ozone.
    this is important because it involves the safety of all the people on the Earth. the people were aware of this too. They took steps to prevent the hole from growing, but people were scared and started doing things on there own to help the ozone layer. Americans stopped
  • Hole In The Ozone Layer

    that are harmful to the ozone. I would help because i would convince people to help out and not hurt the ozone.
  • The World Wide Web

    The World Wide Web
    In 1989, Sir Tim Berners-Lee had the idea to create a system which would connect all computers without wires. The idea was originally for sharing information to institutes and universities all around the world. Although the Web wasn't open to the public till August 1991, it was still designed in 1989.
    this event is very important because not only does it allow universities share information about studies, but it would change history. It changed the way people could use computers and was
  • the World Wide Web

    a huge step in technology. The Web may be a big part of peoples lives now, but nobody really knew about it when it first became available to the public.
    the Web changed the way people communicated, shopped and learn. Also people can find entertainment on the web like games, movies or apps. Now that people have this in their lives I don't think they could imagine life without it.
    I would want to be there to see how different the Web was when it first came out. If I were there I would tell
  • The World Wide Web

    Berners to outlaw ads on the Web because that would be great.
  • The Columbine High School Shooting

    The Columbine High School Shooting
    On April 20, 1999 two seniors, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, attacked Columbine High school. They planned to kill their peers and other students with guns, knives and multiple bombs. They ended up killing 13 people and injuring 21 more, and were killed themselves. Nobody has figured out why they did it but some say it was from being bullied, violent video games, movies and depression.
    The Columbine shooting is important because so many people were killed. The Columbine shooting was one
  • The Columbine High School Shooting

    of the first mass school shootings and it also inspired other shootings.
    The Combine shooting has changed school security a lot. Now schools have security cameras, lockdown drills, locked doors and many other security precautions. Also gun control laws have got more strict hopefully to prevent another Columbine.
    I would've wanted to be at columbine to try and help people hide or get out of the building. I would hope that I would save people but I might not be able to save some people.
  • SpongeBob SquarePants

    SpongeBob SquarePants
    on July 17, 1999 the first episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants was aired. the show was about SpongeBob and his friends going on different adventures together. The show was created by Stephen Hillenburg.
    SpongeBob and other cartoons entertained many children of the 90's. I think SpongeBob is one of the biggest children's cartoons ever. Almost everyone I talk to has watched SpongeBob and I believe most people would like it.
    I think that SpongeBob and other cartoons have inspired other
  • SpongeBob SquarePants

    people to make cartoons to try and get rich or famous or anything like that. Also I don't think cartoons are as good anymore, even though I haven't watched them for a couple of years. That only affects people who watch cartoon and not really the whole world.
    I would want to attend this event to watch SpongeBob. Also while I were there I would tell the director not to ever stop making the show because it is funny.
  • The Attacks of 9/11

    The Attacks of 9/11
    On September 11, 2001, there was an attack on America by the Islamic terrorist group Al Qaeda. They hijacked four planes, two flew into the World Trade Center, one flew into the Pentagon and the other crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. in total there were about 3000 deaths and about 6000 injuries. Osama Bin Laden, the leader of Al Qaeda, said he attacked us because we supported people who opposed Muslims.
    The attacks of 9/11 were the first major terrorist attacks on America. After
  • The Attacks of 9/11

    people at 9/11. Even though its a lot easier to say that you would try and save people Instead of actually doing it, I think if I were there I would try.
  • The Attacks of 9/11

    9/11 America has taken extra to prevent more terror acts, like the homeland security. homeland security is a bunch of government agencies designed to protect America.
    9/11 changed America in many different ways. It changed the way we travel, the security around America and we fought the Iraq war. the Iraq war lasted almost 9 years and has killed about 200,000 people.
    I would want to be there so I could help save people or help people in the hospital. I would be happy to know I helped
  • Facebook

    Instagram. those three things are very similar, and they all connect people.
    I would want to be there so I could say I was there when Facebook was created. also I would try and give the creators ideas to make Facebook better. that is why I would like to be there when Facebook was created.
  • Facebook

    On February 4, 2004 face book was created by mark Zuckerburg with the help of Eduardo Saverin. Facebook a social media network. It lets you post picture and talk to people and look at other peoples pictures.
    Facebook is unique because it is one of the first big social media websites. when Facebook came out most people liked it and used it regularly. on the other hand some people thought it was too much drama.
    I think that Facebook inspired other social media websites like twitter and
  • How I Hope To Change The World

    When i'm older i hope to change the world by giving to charities and the poor. I know that there will always be people who are less fortunate, but i might be able to give somebody something to help them. First i have to get a job or go to school and get a job so i can have money or things to give to people. Giving to people is important to me because i don't think that anyone should have to starve or not have food. that is how and why i want to change the world