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Sanford and Son
Sanford and Son was a comedy starring Redd Foxx and Demond Wilson. The show aired from January 14,1972 to March 25,1977. The show aired on NBC and has over 100 episodes and 6 seasons. The show was about a junk dealer Fred Sanford ( Redd Foxx) worked with his son Lamont (Demond Wilson). Fred Sanford does almost anything to get out of work including faking a heart attack. -
Sanford and Son part 2
This TV show was one of the first shows that had a cast composed mostly of African-Americans. Sanford and Son was actually a mid season replacement and was based on the British show Steptoe and son. -
Sanford and Son part 3
The time Sanford and Son was being aired was when shows started composing their cast's mostly of African-Americans. This show also helped more comedy shows to be made. Today their are a lot of comedy shows being aired and some of them are probably made the way Sanford and Son was. -
Sanford and Son part 4
If i could go back and watch this show when it was being aired i wouldn't change anything about the show because I like the way it was made and don't want to change it. If i had to change something I would show more then just 1 or 2 rooms and show the hole house. I think if i changed the show to where the actors moved from room to room within the house more people would have watched the show. -
The Immaculate Reception
The Immaculate Reception took place on December 23,1972 in the AFC playoff game. the Steelers were down 7-6 to the Raiders with 22 seconds left in the game. Terry Bradshaw threw a pass intended for halfback Frenchy Fuqua. Before Frenchy could catch the ball a raiders player collided with him sending the ball into the air. Franco Harris then caught the ball before it hit the ground and ran 42 yards into the end zone winning the game for the Steelers. -
Immaculate Reception part 2
This event changed the NFL forever because it was never really confirmed that he caught the ball before it hit the ground. the play is still being reviewed today but due to a bad camera angle the people reviewing the play could not see the bottom of the ball. When the ball bounced off of the first guy who tried to catch it people thought that the Steelers lost the game. Luckily the ball bounced in the right place at the right time for Franco Harris to catch it. -
Immaculate Reception part 3
This event is still questionable because the equipment used to film the game wasn't very good so we don't know for sure if the ball didn't touch the ground or not. Because of this event being done in the past if people find out that he didn't actually catch the ball then we cant really do anything about it. If they do find out he didn't catch the ball i'm sure the event will lose a lot of popularity. -
Immaculate Reception part 4
I would like to attend this event because I really like football and i would have liked to feel the intensity of before and after the catch. If i had been their i wouldn't have changed anything about the event because it changed so much in NFL history that the future could change a lot if i did anything to change it. -
Chernobyl nuclear meltdown
The nuclear meltdown at the Chernobyl power plant was caused by a power surge that blew the roof off of the reactor. The cities of Chernobyl and Pripyat had to be evacuated because of the meltdown. In total almost 130,000 people had to be evacuated due to toxic chemicals. The meltdown contaminated an area of 100,000 square miles. The area will not be livable again for over 1000 years. -
Chernobyl part 2
This event showed what would happen if a nuclear meltdown would occur and the effects on the environment the chemicals have. This event is the largest nuclear meltdown in the history of the world covering over 100,000 square miles of land. During the evacuation the people being evacuated were told that they would return back to their homes soon. To this day the conditions at Chernobyl are not livable to humans. -
Chernobyl part 3
This event changed the environment around the area of the meltdown and caused mutations in animal species. After this event chemicals have killed thousands of people that live in the radiation radius of the meltdown. -
Chernobyl part 4
If i could have been their at the time of the meltdown i would have wanted to be one of the people living in Chernobyl. I would want to feel how it felt to be evacuated from your home with very little personal belongings and never return to that place again. I would probably not change anything with the event because the event is such a large piece of history if i fixed it a meltdown might occur somewhere else. -
Berlin wall deconstructed
The Berlin wall was a wall that divided East and West Berlin. Construction on the wall started on August 13,1961. The wall was 96.3 miles long and over 11 feet tall. the wall was demolished on November 9,1989. The walls purpose was to divide the people of Berlin. -
Berlin wall part 2
This event made Berlin all 1 city again by joining the East and West sides. Thousands of people were their to help demolish the wall. This event joined a lot of people back with their family members that lived on the other side from them. People in Berlin were happy by this event because they could go to the other side of Berlin now without getting in any trouble. -
Berlin wall part 3
Since this event has happened Berlin is more of a combined city now. the result of this event would be happiness between the 2 sides of Berlin. After the demolition of the wall their was a massive street party to celebrate the fall of the wall. -
Berlin wall part 4
I would have wanted to attend this event to see the excitement of the people after and during the demolition of the wall. I would probably change the time that this was torn down because if this happened earlier in history less people would have been killed. I would also have liked to just celebrate with the people and just feel what it felt like to finally be able to go to the other side of the city. -
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
The TV show The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air starred Will Smith as the main character. The show aired from 1990 to 1996. The show is about Will and his fictional mom who live in Philadelphia. Will gets in trouble and his mom sends him to live with his wealthy uncle in Bel-Air.The show is a comedy based on Will's early life. -
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air part 2
This event showed what life was like for someone like Will at that time. This event also showed a some of what life was like as a wealthy family at the time, but that was not the central idea of the show. This show didn't really change the course of history,but it was, in my opinion, a very funny show to watch and I enjoy watching it -
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air part 4
I would have wanted to see the filming of the event to see the different process thy have of filming a show like that, and the differences in the process from today. I would have changed probably the house they were in because it seemed a little small for a family that had their own butler. I wouldn't change anything else because I like the show as it is and don't want to make any large changes to it. -
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air part 3
the show had a season during the LA riots and they had an episode where Will helped clean up a store that had been destroyed. I think that episode brought a lot of attention to the cleaning up of the city and got more people to help with the clean up. So i think with the help of the show the mess that was made during the LA riots was cleaned up and fixed faster then it would have if the show didn't make an episode about the clean up -
O.J Simpson murder case
on January 25, 1995 former NFL player O.J Simpson was put on trial for the murder of his wife and her friend. The trial took over a few months, but the jury reached the final verdict of not guilty of the murder of his wife or her friend. -
O.J Simpson trial part 2
This event was important because this was a former pro athlete who was charged for a double murder and that rarely happens. Their is still people who think he was guilty and their are still people who think he is not guilty. The case is still kind of not finished because investigators are still looking at evidence of the crime scene. -
O.J Simpson trial part 3
Since the event O.J was arrested for armed robbery and kidnapping and was sentenced to 33 years in prison. Even though he is still in prison today investigators are finding more evidence to see if he was innocent or not on the original double murder case. -
O.J Simpson trial part 4
I would want to attend this event so i could get my own opinion on if he is innocent or if he is guilty. I wouldn't change anything with this event because it made such an impact in history that O.J probably wouldn't be that famous for that crime if it had never happened at all. But if it would have never happened O.J might probably be living a normal life and not currently in prison. -
September 11 Attack
The attacks on September 11 was a series of attacks by a terrorist group on the United States. A total of 2,996 people died including the attackers. their were 19 terrorist who drove the planes into the buildings. -
September 11 Attack part 2
This event was one of the largest terrorist attacks ever on the United States. People were in shock because they didn't think something like that would ever happen in the United States. -
September 11 Attack part 3
Since this event occurred their has been a memorial made where the buildings once stood. The world will never be the same after this event because so many people died and it was a very large terrorist attack so i think it will always be remembered. -
September 11 Attack part 4
If i could be at this event i would probably help with the clean up and help saving people from the rubble of the fallen buildings. the only thing i would change about this is that it never happened. If it never happened the buildings would still be their and the over 2,000 people that died would still be working their. -
YouTube is a place where people can upload videos of all kinds of things such as gaming, making things,etc. YouTube is also a place where you can find out how to do things like putting something back together or how to beat a game that you like. -
YouTube part 2
This event let anybody watch videos freely either for entertainment or how to do something.this was the first time that someone could upload a video and anybody that had YouTube could watch all the videos that people uploaded. -
YouTube part 3
The starting of YouTube i think started a lot of creativity in people because now a lot of people watch YouTube and get ideas on different things from YouTube videos. YouTube has became a large part in a lot of peoples lives some people who play video games use YouTube as a place to post videos of them playing the games and get paid by certain company's to do it. -
YouTube part 4
I would want to see how YouTube started and what it looked like compared to what it does now. I would also like to see the reaction of the people when it was made. I wouldn't change anything about YouTube because i think it is doing its job by entertaining people. -
How I Will Change The World.
I would change the world by working as a carpenter or a construction worker. I would want to work as one of these two things because i could build housing for homeless people or for people that have very little money. In order for me to do this though is i would have to find cheap work materials so that is one thing i hope is available in the future.