100 BCE
Julius Caesar is born
84 BCE
Caesar marries Cornelia
Caesar marries his first wife, Cornelia. -
76 BCE
Caesar is captured by Pirates
Caesar was on his way to Rhodes to train in oratory but on the way, he is kidnapped and captured by pirates. Later, Caesar has the pirates killed. -
73 BCE
Elected as tribune
Caesar was elected to be a tribune for the military when he returned home to Rome -
69 BCE
Cornelia dies
Caesar's first wife, Cornelia, passes away. He does however remarry quickly. -
68 BCE
Caesar remarries
Julius Caesar remarries to a woman named Pompeia. -
63 BCE
Pontifex Maximus
Caesar was elected Pontifex Maximus, which is the chief priest of the religion of Rome. -
62 BCE
Elected praetor
Alongside being the Pontifex Maximus, Caesar was elected praetor for the year, which is the commander of the army -
61 BCE
Elected governor of Farther Spain
Caesar is elected governor of Farther Spain -
60 BCE
Caesar is elected consul
Caesar returns to Rome in 60 BC and runs for consul and is elected in 59 BC -
59 BCE
Caesar is elected consul
In 60 BC, Caesar returned to Rome and ran for consul and then in 59 BC he is elected. -
59 BCE
Caesar forms an alliance
Julius Caesar form an alliance that consists of him, Pompey, and Crassus, otherwise known as the First Triumvirate -
59 BCE
Caesar remarries again
Caesar once again remarries, this time to Calpurnia -
58 BCE
Caesar becomes governor of Cisalpine Gaul
He remained governor of Cisalpine Gaul and later Transalpine Gaul from 58-54 BC -
Period: 58 BCE to 52 BCE
Caesar starts to put his army to work
Caesar had much military success in these years, in 58 BC, he stopped the Celtic tribe from leaving what is present day Switzerland. In 57 BC, Caesar defeated the Celtic tribes in Brittany and Normandy. Caesar defeated the Celtic tribe from southern Brittany, otherwise known as the Veneti, in 56 BC.
In 54 BC, Caesar calmed a revolt in northeastern Gaul with his forces. In 52 BC, Caesar had two battles with Vercingetorix, losing the first in the city of Gergovia, and winning the second in Alesia. -
54 BCE
Caesar's daughter Julia dies
53 BCE
Caesar builds a bridge across the Rhine river
Caesar had his men build this bridge to invade the Germanic tribes. This was successful. -
Period: 51 BCE to 46 BCE
Caesar causes more military destruction
In 51 BC, Caesar defeated Celtic rebels in Uxellodunum. Caesar then followed Pompey to Greece, and defeated him in 48 BC. The Egyptian king later ordered for Pompey to be stabbed, and Caesar took control of Alexandria. Caesar defeated the son of Mithradates in 47 BC. Caesar won another battle in North Africa in 46 BC, and later defeated a rebellion in Farther Spain. -
44 BCE
Caesar is killed.
Caesar is stabbed to death by political rivals.