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Julius Caesar

  • 100 BCE

    Julius Caesar birth

    Julius Caesar birth
    Julius Caesar was born in 100BC, July, on either the 12th or 13th. His family was old Roman nobility/patricians. Unfotunately his father died when he was only 16 years old, this made him the head of his family.
  • 79 BCE

    Julius Caesar awarded Civic Crown

    Julius Caesar awarded Civic Crown
    In 79 BC, Julius was awarded with a crown called the "Corona Civica" Latin for "Civic Crown" which was the second-highest military honor awarded during the time of the Roman Republic. He was awarded for saving the life of a citizen. (Crown can be seen in the photo)
  • 76 BCE

    Julia Caesaris

    Julia Caesaris
    Julia Caesaris was born in 76 BC, and is the daughter of Julius Caesar and his wife, Cornelia. Julia was the only child Julius had from any marriage. Julia was Pompey's wife before she died.
  • 75 BCE

    Julius captured by pirates

    Julius captured by pirates
    Julius was once captured by pirates at the young age at 25 years old, it happened in 75 BC when Julius Caesar was sailing across the Aegean Sea. The pirates held him for ransom, after telling him the amount he damanded that they increase the ransom as the amount was too low, and they did not know "who they had just captured". After he was released he wanted to get the pirates executed, however the judge wanted to sell them as slaves, julius was enraged and went back to slit the pirate's throats.
  • 72 BCE

    Elected as military tribune

    Elected as military tribune
    in 72 BC, Caesar was elected to Military tribune. Tribunes commanded bodyguards and auxiliary cohorts.
  • 69 BCE

    Julius elected as quaestor

    Julius elected as quaestor
    Julius was elected as a quaestor back in 69 or 68 BC. Quaestor's jobs are supervising the state treasury and conducted audits.
  • 65 BCE

    Julius elected as Aedile

    Julius elected as Aedile
    In 65 BC, Julius was elected as an Aedile which took care of the city, and were responsible for the public buildings, they would have to repair any urban infrastructure.
  • 60 BCE

    The First Triumvirate

    The First Triumvirate
    Back in 60 BC, the First Triumvirate was formed between Pompey, Julius Caesar, and Marcus Licinius Crassus.
  • 55 BCE

    Julius Caesar's invasion of Britian

    Julius Caesar's invasion of Britian
    in both 54BC and 55BC, he invaded Britian twice during the Gallic Wars. Julius decided to invade Britian to protect Rome, as Britian would aid/help the enemy to Rome in almost every Gaul wars/battles and also to expand their lands.
  • 54 BCE

    Julia Caesaris's death

    Julia Caesaris's death
    Julia died at the young age at 22, she died while giving birth to her infant son, who unfortunatley didn't make it and died along with her. Her dad, Caesar, received the news while he was in Britain. Her death caused Julius and Pompey's relationship to go downhill.
  • 53 BCE

    First Triumvirate broken

    First Triumvirate broken
    Back in 53 BC, the First Triumvirate was broken after Crassus died in a battle/war with the Parthian general Surenas, leaving Pompey and Caesar fighting.
  • 44 BCE

    Assassination of Julius Caesar

    Assassination of Julius Caesar
    Julius Caesar was assassinated on the 15th of march (also known as the "ides of March") when he was 55 years old. He was killed by a group of Senators in Rome, Italy, including his friend, Marcus Junius Brutus, who thought Julius held too much power. Julius suffered about 23 stab wounds, and his last words were “Et tu, Brute?”, a lantin phrase meaning "you too, Brutus?" as he was in shock from being betrayed. Julius dismissed his bodyguards beforehand showing he may have been "too confident".