Julius Caesar

  • 100 BCE

    Julius Caesar's Birth

    Julius Caesar's Birth
    On July 12th or 13th of 100 BCE, Gaius Julius Caesar was born in Rome. He grew up being upper-class as some of his relatives held prominent status in the government.
  • 74 BCE

    The Mithridatic Wars

    The Mithridatic Wars
    In 74 BCE, Caesar organized a private military force to fight the king of Pontus after he proclaimed war on Rome despite having no position in the Roman government or military. The battle lasted for five years and ended with Rome being victorious. Despite the win, Caesar became very controversial following this war.
  • 59 BCE

    The First Triumvirate

    The First Triumvirate
    In Rome, there were two consuls and they had notable power, as they were the highest elected office within Rome. When Caesar was appointed consul, he used this power to create the first triumvirate, which allowed three to hold power instead of two. The triumvirate consisted of Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus.
  • 46 BCE

    Julius Caesar Became The Dictator Of Rome

    Julius Caesar Became The Dictator Of Rome
    Julius Caesar decided to seize Rome in an effort to shield himself from enemies. In January 49 BCE, Caesar led his soldiers across the Rubicon River into Italy, where he started a civil war. In 46 BCE, Caesar became the dictator of Rome.
  • 44 BCE

    Julius Caesar's Death

    Julius Caesar's Death
    After just two years of ruling, Julius Caesar died on March 15th, 44 BCE. He was assassinated in the Senate House by senators who thought Caesar was too powerful and did not like his dictatorship. Following his death, the Roman Republic fell, and the Roman Empire was born, first ruled by Augustus, Caesar's nephew whom he adopted before he died.