Julius Caesar

By DBrauns
  • 100 BCE

    The Birth of Julius Caesar

    The Birth of Julius Caesar
    Julius Caesar was born on either July 12th or July 13th in 100 BCE as historians aren't entirely sure when his exact date of birth was. https://cdn.britannica.com/11/196711-050-FA58D50D/Julius-Caesar-marble-sculpture-Andrea-di-Pietro.jpg
  • Period: 100 BCE to 44 BCE

    Life of Julius Caesar

    Julius Caesar is the most famous ruler of the Roman Empire and one of the most famous leaders in world history. Julius Caesar helped lead Rome to victory in countless battles and strived to make Rome the greatest empire.
  • 84 BCE

    Caesar Marries Cornelia

    Caesar Marries Cornelia
    In 84 BCE Julius Caesar publicly committed himself to the radical side by marrying Lucius Cornelius Sulla's daughter Cornelia.
  • 83 BCE

    Sulla's Demands and Caesar's Military Service

    In 83 BCE Sulla took lead in Rome and demanded that Julius Caesar divorce his daughter. Julius Caesar refused to do so and almost lost his property and life because of it and decided it was best to leave Rome to serve in the military. His military service took him to Asia and Cilicia.
  • 69 BCE

    Caesar Becomes Quaestor

    In 69 BCE Caesar is elected as the new quaestor which comes first in the Roman political ladder. That same year his wife Cornelia died and later married Pompeia.
  • 65 BCE

    Curule Aediles

    In 65 BCE Caesar was elected as one of the curule aediles. Curule aediles were a magistrate who were in charge of supervision of markets and issued edicts.
  • 63 BCE

    Pontifex Maximus

    In 63 BCE Caesar was elected the pontifex maximus and started to become a controversial political figure at this time. Caesar and Marcus Licinius Crassus who was a millionaire were accused of complicity after the compression of Cataline's conspiracy.
  • 62 BCE


    In 62 BCE Caesar was elected praetor. During his year as praetor a scandal ensued that led to his divorce with pompeia.
  • 59 BCE

    Political Alliances

    In 59 BCE Caesar became a consul and successfully organized a coalition of political bosses and made a secret pact with Pompey and aimed to persuade Crassus to join in as well which would be the first triumverate. Pompey then sealed his alliance with Caesar by marrying his daughter and Caesar marrying the daughter of Lucius Piso who became a consul the following year.
  • 58 BCE

    Conquering of Gaul

    Between 58 and 50 BCE Caesar succeeded in conquering the part of Gaul that hadn't been conquered yet. As well as killing Germanic people raiding Britain, and subduing revolts in Gaul. It even remained passive during the Roman civil war.
  • 49 BCE

    Civil War

    Civil War
    In 49 BCE Caesar committed his first act of war by leading his troops across the Rubicon River. He did this due to the Roman people and senates believing and asking him to lay down their command and power. Though that wasn't the main reason for the war, instead it was about whether the Roman nobility should allowed to continue in the government or if it should be replaced by an autocratic regime.
  • 46 BCE


    In 46 BCE Julius Caesar returned to Rome from the war and became dictator, he then left for Africa which is where his opponents were and defeated their army. He then went to Spain to deal with a resistance.
  • 44 BCE

    The Ides of March

    The Ides of March
    On March 15th otherwise known as the ides of March, Julius Caesar was assassinated. He was assassinated by fellow government officials including his friend Marcus Junius Brutus.