
Julius Caesar

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    Gaius Julius Caesar was born on July 13, 100 BC into the aristocratic Julian family. His parents were Gaius Julius Caesar the Elder and Aurelia. HIs uncle was Gaius Marius, who was an important figure in Roman politics and in the army (Lendering).
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    Great Stupa

    The year is 100 BC. The Great Stupa is elected. This event took place in Sanchi, India (Grun 23).
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    Chinese ships

    The year is 100 BC. Chinese ships reach the east coast of India. This event took place in Asia (Grun 23)
  • Death

    Julis Caesar died on the March 15, also known as the Ides of March, in the year 44 BC. Caesar had proclaimed himself to be dictator for life, and the Romans thought that we would make himself king. He almost singlehandedly turned the Roman Republic into a monarchy (Nardo 17).
  • Alexandrine War

    In 47 BC, Caesar fought against the Egyptian king Ptolemy XIII. He aided Cleopatra in her battle against her 10-year old brother. Ptolemy killed Caesar's eternal rival Pompey, who Caesar at least wanted the chance to pardon, although he was unlikely to have actually done it (Lendering).
  • Rebellion

    In 49 BC, Caesar chose to lead a rebellion against the government of Rome. Due to Crassus's death, the Senate thought that Caesar and Pompey would fight to be king. As such, they ordered Caesar to stand down; if he did he would be prosecuted, if he didn't he would be rebelling. He chose to rebel (Lendering).
  • Conquest of Gaul

    At the close of 51 BC, Caesar had conquered Gaul. He set up a strong support system so that the province would stay under Roman control. He spent 10 years in command of the army prior to this (Isenberg 99).
  • British Campaign

    Caesar paved the way for the conquest of Britain in 55 BC. He led a campaign to the British Isles so that Rome would take it over later. However, long-lasted civil wars prevented the immediate follow-up campaign (Nardo 32).
  • Triumvirate

    In the year 60 BC, the three strongest generals were Pompey, Crassus, and Caesar. They formed an alliance known as the First Triumvirate. However, it didn't last long, as a civil war soon broke out, and Caesar emerged as the emerged (Nardo 17).
  • Birth of Octavian

    Octavian, who would later be known as Augustus, was born on September 23, 63 BC. Although actually his great-uncle, Caesar was Octavian's adopted father. Octavian later became the first emperor of Rome (Nardo 13).
  • High Priest

    In 64 BC, Caesar is elected High Priest of Rome. He gave himself a better chance of winning by shifting the vote to the People's Assembly rather than the Senate. There was some controversy about this, as there were also people saying that he was absent on the day of the election (Isenberg 43).
  • Horace

    The year is 65 BC. The Roman poet Horace is born. He died in the year 8 BC (Grun 22).
  • Alexander Polyhistor

    The year is 82 BC. Alexander Polyhistor writes a history of Jews. This event took place in Europe (Grun 22).
  • Pompeii

    The year is 82 BC. The oldest extant amphitheater is erected in Pompeii. This event took place in Europe (Grun 22).
  • Trial

    In 85 BC, Caesar was given a test of trust by the military tyrant of the time, Sulla. Sulla ordered Caesar to divorce his wife, and when Caesar refused, he fled Rome. He became ill after a few weeks though, and had to be returned to Rome; he was later pardoned (Isenberg 21).
  • Asclepaides

    The year is 90 BC. Asclepaides, a Greek physician, practices nature healing. This event took place in Rome (Grun 22).