Judaism and Christianity

By lkline
  • 7000 BCE

    7000 BC

    7000 BC
    first civilization
  • 2000 BCE


    Hebrews appeared in SW Asia
    Judaism settles in Canaan
    Abraham leaves Mesopotamia
  • 1200 BCE


    Moses is a Hebrew
    received the 10 commandments
    Leads his people out of Egypt
    They followed Mosaic law
    Jews believed in one god
  • 586 BCE

    586 BC

    586 BC
    Invaders captured Judaism
    Destroyed Solomon symbol

    Judaism lasted until 586 BC
  • 1 CE

    1 AD

    1 AD
    Beginning of Christianity
  • 33

    33 AD

    33 AD
    Jesus died and he was crucifixion
    He was retracted
  • 476

    476 AD

    476 AD
    Rome fell
  • 565

    565 AD

    565 AD
    Justinian dies
    The eastern empire declines
    Western empire to decline also